Page 87 of Saving Serena

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“We don’t have all day,” Constance called.



“Want a piece?”Back downstairs, Constance offered me reheated pizza across the table.

“No thanks.” What I really wanted was my man alone upstairs so we could continue where we’d left off. It was unavoidable now that I knew he wanted me as badly as I wanted him.

I was his—he’d said it, to my dad no less. It couldn’t have been plainer than that. Well, maybe if he’d thrown me over his shoulder to cart me off, but that was a bit much to expect.

“Are you sure?” Constance asked.

Her question drew me out of my reverie. “Duke and I already ate.”

“Terry and I didn’t get a chance,” she said around a mouthful. “Nobody delivers to a stakeout.”

“I have some news.” I figured it would get pretty obvious tonight. “We’re now…” I added air quotes. “A couple.”

Constance choked on her food. “What changed?”

“In front of my dad, he just said outright that I was his girlfriend.”

“Wasn’t that the cover?” she asked, confused.

“Now it’s real.”

“You’re sure?”

Remembering a few minutes ago, I nodded. “Uh-huh.”

As we waited on the guys, I contemplated our hot hide-in-my-old-bedroom sex. It didn’t get more real than that. “How long will this meeting take?”

She shrugged. “Until we make some progress, I guess.”

I wanted to have tonight and our not-fake date tomorrow at Disneyland before Duke learned the ugly truth about me. I only hoped we could bond enough before then that it wouldn’t all come tumbling down when we hadthe talk.

Would he even want to hear the entire story or be too disgusted with me for that?

Terry, Winston, and Duke arrived with the other pizza and a tray of soft drinks.

I chose the Diet Coke and patted the seat next to me. “I saved you a seat, Studly.”

Duke grimaced and rounded the table to my side. “Thanks, Snuggles.”

Terry looked confused.

“They’re together now,” Constance explained. “Pet names are what couples do.”

Terry shrugged and sat across from us. “About friggin’ time.”

Guess we hadn’t been as discreet as we thought.

Duke dialed his phone. “Jordy, you ready?”


“Where do we start?” Constance asked.

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