Page 82 of Saving Serena

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Snuggles it is.

She leaned close. “You have no idea how hot it was seeing you put George in his place.” She fanned herself and walked over to her father. “Dad, I need to get going.”

Her father’s face fell. “But the afternoon is still young.”

“I warned you I couldn’t stay long,” she chided.

“True.” He opened his arms, and I let go of Serena so he could give her a goodbye hug. “See you again soon, Munchkin.”

“Sure, Dad.”

After shaking hands goodbye, with an arm around her waist, I led my woman away. “I can’t wait to get back to your house.”

With a devilish grin, she hurried me along.



I pulledDuke up the path to the house.

I was Duke Hawk’s woman now, and the burning need I had for him would not wait until we got home. After watching him demolish George, I hadn’t been able to concentrate on a single thing my brothers had said. Only Duke existed for me.

Minutes ago, Kelly had commented. “Duke is quite a…man.”

“You can’t have him” had left my mouth so fast I couldn’t stop the words.

She’d backed away. “Down, girl. I’m only wishing I was as lucky as you.”

I apologized and resolved to keep food in my mouth after that to avoid more embarrassment.

When we reached the house, I pulled open the door and headed for the stairs. “My old bedroom.” Bringing a boy back to my bedroom for some kissing without my parents knowing had been a frequent childhood fantasy. Even though I hadn’t heard from Duke after camp, he’d starred in several of them. As a grownup, today’s fantasy included more than kissing.

“Your father won’t?—”

“No.” I cut him off. “But we should be quick before somebody notices your car is still here.” I ran a finger down his chest. “But if you’re too scared, we could?—”

He gave my ass a swat. “I’m only afraid you’ll die of embarrassment when they hear you scream my name all the way out back.”

Of course, my SEAL wasn’t afraid of anybody or anything. We reached the landing, and I turned us right. I was on fire with need.

“Here.” I opened the door to my past, the place I’d vowed I’d never return to. Inside, I dropped my bag and turned.

Kicking the door closed behind us, Duke took me in his arms, and our bodies welded themselves to each other. His kiss consumed me—hard, deep, and wet. There was nothing soft or tentative about this afternoon. No, this was about want and need.

I struggled with his shirt as he palmed my breasts. “Duke,” I moaned.

He pushed me against the door, moving from my lips to the sensitive skin of my neck. He rested a hand on my thigh and then slowly slid it up under my dress.

As his fingers ignited sparks along my skin, I made space to palm his erection. “Faster,” I urged. “You better have a condom with you.” He was hard and hot beneath my touch.

“A SEAL is prepared for any contingency,” he mumbled as he lifted my dress over my head.

“Less talking, more doing.” I pulled at his belt buckle.

While he backed up to lower his pants and sheath himself, I unhooked the strapless bra this dress required and slid my panties down, kicking them to the side.

“Are you ready? I’m not going to be able to hold back.” He threw his shirt off.

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