Page 77 of Saving Serena

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“In a minute, Zach.” Dad pointed at me as he walked up. “Munchkin, we need a word with you first.”

Lucas’s face was impassive, giving nothing away.

“Okay.” I moved forward, and so did Duke.

Dad gave me his customary bear hug.

I stepped back. “Dad, this is my boyfriend, Duke.”

Dad ignored Duke and motioned toward the old oak tree. “Just you, Munchkin.”

I’d had enough of this. “Duke too.”

Dad pointed a finger at Duke. “Stay. Just you, Serena.”

The rest of the group stayed silent.

“No, Dad. Whatever you have to say, Duke can hear.”

“Serena,” he cautioned.

“You told me relationships should be equal. We’re a package deal.”

Dad took in a long breath and gave in, nodding toward the tree. “Okay.” He turned to Zach. “This won’t take long. Keep those burgers warm.”

As we walked, I smiled at Duke. I’d won one against Dad.

Duke took my hand, but there was tension in his face.

My comment about being in a relationship with Duke had just slipped out. Had I made a mistake? When we reached the tree, I looked back to see my siblings busy with hushed conversations.

Dad turned to my new relationship partner. “Duke, right?”

“Yes, sir.” They shook hands, but I sensed an undercurrent of distrust from Duke.

“Son,” Dad said. “What you are about to hear is not to be discussed with anyone—not your parents, not your priest, not your dog, no one.”

“Understood, sir.”

Dad looked at me and took a breath. “Munchkin, Harvey Fox?—”

“Stop,” I cried. I couldn’t go there. We couldn’t ever talk about him again.

Dad ignored my plea. “He was granted parole, and I’m afraid he may be dangerous.”

The words hit me like a freight train. My legs went weak, and my vision blurred. I remembered Fox’s glare after the judge pronounced his sentence, but worse than that was the threat he’d mouthed as they led him away.

My longtime nightmare had become real.



Lloyd Benson,the man who’d ruined my future years ago, hadn’t recognized me. Perhaps not surprising. I’d been the poor kid, the camp counselor from the wrong family, back then. Why would he remember someone so lowly?

I looked down at Serena. As soon as her father mentioned Harvey Fox, she’d trembled and wobbled, about to faint. I grabbed her before she could fall and continued to hold her.

Talk of Harvey Fox, whoever the fuck he was, had knocked the wind out of my strong, confident woman. And a threat to her was unfuckingacceptable. “Nobody is getting to her,” I practically yelled.

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