Page 74 of Saving Serena

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“You’re nervous,” Duke observed.

“A little.”

“Explain that to me.”

“Vincent told me Dad wants me to get back together with my ex.”

“Why does your father get a say?”

I sighed. “You wouldn’t understand.” Nobody would. I turned it around on him. “You look nervous, too.”

It didn’t work. “What’s this butthead ex of yours look like?” he asked.

“George is not as tall as you. Blond, longer hair last time I saw him. Scrawny by comparison. Oh, and he was a SEAL too.”

“Really? A team guy, huh?” Duke snorted. “Maybe I won’t break his face.”

I laughed. “I’ll point him out if he shows. He might not. Now wipe that scowl off your face and remember to act like my boyfriend, just in case.”

After we parked, I caught movement in the curtains. I waited for Duke to open my door for me like a proper boyfriend in case it was Mom watching.

We mounted the concrete steps up to the house, and a zing went through me as Duke put his hand on the small of my back. God, that felt right. Every time he touched me was like the first time. It was scary how exciting I found it. I looked over to smile at him and realized Duke had a paper bag I hadn’t noticed earlier.

When the door opened, Mom stood just inside, as I’d suspected. She looked over her glasses at me. “Serena, I didn’t realize you were bringing somebody along.” She hid her disappointment well.

“Mom, I’d like you to meet Duke Hawk. Duke, my mother, Marcia Benson.”

Duke offered his hand.

It was a gesture she couldn’t refuse.

“Duke is my boyfriend,” I added, catching the twitch of Mom’s eye as I did.Score one for me.

“A pleasure, Mrs. Benson,” Duke said, whipping a rose out of the bag. “You have a lovely home, and I can see where Serena gets her beauty.” He held the flower out to her. “I picked this for you. It’s an American Beauty. Serena said you like roses.”

Mom blushed and almost teared up taking the flower. “Why, thank you, Duke. And Marcia will do.”

“Is Dad around?” I needed to get us away from Mom before I started crying at how gentlemanly Duke was.

“He had some meeting or other scheduled, and he’s not back yet. Dennis can’t make it. Kelly and Vincent are out back. Zach is working the grill. I’m sure your father won’t miss the food.He can sniff out grilled meat ten miles away.” Mom twirled the flower in her fingers.

Duke’s lips curved. “A pleasure, Marcia.” Then he escorted me down the hallway with my hand in his.

“What was that?” I whispered when we made it out to the back patio.

“You wanted me to act like a proper boyfriend.”

“Yeah, but do you have to be so nice that she decides to adopt you?” I jumped with a yelp when he swatted my ass. “What was that for?”

“You said you didn’t want me perfect.”

“Let’s find something that doesn’t involve hitting.”

“It’s called spanking, and some women like it.” With a strong arm around my waist, he pulled me close and kissed my ear before whispering, “Is this better?”

I sighed and nearly melted at how wonderful the contact between our bodies felt after days of longing for it. “Much better.” The spanking mention didn’t deserve a response.

We got through the introductions to my brothers and sister without the appearance of any more flowers, spanking, or any other weirdness.

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