Page 60 of Saving Serena

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I shrugged a shoulder. “We’re kinda new. I don’t have a name for him yet.” Then I remembered. “Except for Cobra.”

“I hope that’s a reference to his size, you know where.”

I blushed, afraid to touch that one.

“Leo was sort of average, but it’s true what they say about Italian men. They know how to wield it.”

My blush flamed hotter.

“What about your guy?”

Yes, what about my guy?

Remy interrupted us. “Watch yourselves,” he mumbled. “She’s a ball buster.” He shifted his eyes in Constance’s direction.

“Hey, want to go to Disneyland this Sunday?” Nick asked. “I scored some tickets.”

“Jacques and I have plans,” Remy said.

“I have to get back to work,” I told the pair.

That got rid of Nick, but not Katelyn. “That sounds great. What do you say, Serena? We could make a day of it—the two of us. I mean, when else could I go? I can’t exactly afford a ticket since…” Her expression drooped as her words faded. She couldn’t even saysince I lost Leo. “Please?”

I wanted to agree. It would be nice. But with Black Jacket Guy out there, I couldn’t. “Sorry, I’ve got a family barbecue this weekend.” The barbecue was on Saturday, but it was the best excuse I could come up with to not insult her.

“The good kind of family get-together or the other?”

“A mix. It’ll be good to see everyone, but my parents might invite my ex?—”

“I thought you were seeing Duke the hunk.”

I realized I’d stepped in it. I rolled my eyes. “That doesn’t always matter. Dad has his own ideas.”

Katelyn’s face contorted. “Yuck. A meddler, huh?”

“Big time,” I agreed.

“Tell him to stuff it. Is it all day? Maybe we could do the afternoon.” She was clearly eager to get some time with me.

“Middle of the day and probably go late, sorry.”

She plastered on a fake smile. “No biggie.” She abruptly turned and left. Clearly, my decision had stung her.

Swiveling back to my screen, I tried to work, but found my thoughts hijacked by a very muscular, very tattooed bodyguard and my hope that we’d be alone tonight. Yes, alone, and with what I’d already experienced with him, I didn’t care about quick versus slow, not one damned bit. I just craved more.

An hour later, a message arrived, and my pulse spiked with hope that it was from Duke. Then, I turned over my phone, and dread filled me.

UNKNOWN: You didn’t obey. There will be consequences.

I dialed Constance’s cell. “I just got a message.”

“I know. Jordy is on it. Just go about your day.”

My heart refused to slow down.Just go about my day?With a psycho after me?

One thing was no longer a question—Jordy monitored my phone.


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