Page 165 of Saving Serena

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Two people I knew had died to feed this woman’s greed, and she wanted to make me the third. None of it bothered her as much as having her fucking Gucci handbag scuffed up.

Duke, you have to find me.If only I’d accepted the necklace he’d offered.

“Make the call,” Katelyn ordered.

“Yeah,” Johnson said. “I wonder how much two million weighs.”

“I’ll be making the pickup, dickhead. You watch her until I get back.”

Johnson grinned wickedly at me. “We’ll be havin’ a little fun.”

I suppressed a shiver.

He whirled on Katelyn. “Try to double-cross me, Katie girl, and you’ll regret it.”

His threat backed her up a step. “We follow the plan, and we both get rich. Remember, I’m the one who got her here.”

The truth of that had me tasting bile. I’d trusted her, and she’d been behind the attacks and deaths this whole time. All she cared about was money.

“Don’t let her outsmart you again,” Katelyn told him.

“Fuck you.”

“For the right price,” she snapped back.

That revolting thought had me tasting bile. I couldn’t hold back. “Katelyn, you’re a piece of shit.”

She spun. “Maybe, but I’m going to be a rich piece of shit. And you’re going to be…” She cast a glance at Johnson. “His. You deserve it for screwing up my life.”



We’d stoppedat an intersection away from the location. The block ahead looked deserted.

“No movement and no external guards or even cameras,” Jordy reported after his drone made two circles of the building. “That’s the good news. The bad news is that the building’s walls are too thick to get anything on infrared, and we have five points of ingress to cover.”

Lucas nodded. “Since there’s only one vehicle other than the EPA car, we don’t have a large group to deal with—probably two perps.”

My phone vibrated.

“Records suck on buildings this old,” Jordy said. “I’ve given you the best interior layout I can find.”

Lucas checked his phone. “I hate moving without better intel, but we go with what we have. The second phone call to Benson probably already happened, and knowing him, the ransom is on the way.”

I exchanged a look with Lucas. His meaning was clear. Time was our enemy. Once the kidnapper had the ransom in his hands, the hostages were more liabilities than assets.

“One person per entrance.” Lucas pointed at Jordy. “That includes you. We go in slow and quiet. If you locate them, pull back, call the location, and wait for backup. We don’t move without two-to-one superiority.” That was his Delta training talking. “Non-lethal force—if necessary, shoot to incapacitate.” That was not Delta, but his civilian status talking.

I nodded. We’d practiced the more difficult non-lethal shots at the range for months.

Terry shook his head. “We should have brought Constance.”

“Hey,” Jordy complained. “I can handle myself.”

Terry slapped him on the shoulder. “What I mean is that without your eyes in the sky, we won’t know if we get a squirter.”

“Going in all the doors is the best way to avoid that,” Lucas countered. “I’m on lead. Quiet entrance on my signal.”

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