Page 150 of Saving Serena

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“That’s not up to you,” Sanchez said.

“Who’s your boss, son?”

“Why?” Sanchez demanded.

“Never mind.” Dad pulled out his phone and dialed.

I saw Newson pull Sanchez’s arm.

Dad’s face was flushed, and there was no stopping him now. “Cindy, get a hold of the vice president and tell him I want a meeting with whoever the hell is running the FBI office in our city.”

“Vice president?” Sanchez mouthed.

“Of the United States,” Lucas whispered.

Sanchez went pale.

I couldn’t see from my vantage point, but I was ready to bet money Sanchez had wet himself.

“I think nine o’clock, my office. Thank you, Cindy.” Dad ended the call. He directed his rage at the hapless agents. “There will be no discussion of kidnapping a Benson whatsoever. Unless I say otherwise, it didn’t happen. Am I clear?”

Heads nodded all the way around.

“You may leave now,” Dad commanded.

The two agents decided against any more questions and left with all the physical evidence Winston had brought.

As soon as the door closed, Dad turned his guns on Lucas. “Lucas, you sure screwed this up.”

Lucas gritted his teeth.

“Where the hell was her supposed bodyguard while all this went down?”

Before Lucas could respond with either words or fists, I stepped between the two men. “Duke took four bullets protecting me,” I yelled at my father. “That’s where Duke was. Duke, Lucas, and the whole team saved me.” I poked a finger in his chest. “Now you apologize.”

“Munchkin, I didn’t mean?—”

I jabbed him again. “Yes, you did. Now apologize or get out of my house.”

Dad had a rule that he didn’t apologize, but he surprised me. “I’m sorry I acted inappropriately.”

“Understood,” Lucas replied.

“You said you had good news?” I asked him.

“We don’t have to worry about Fox anymore.”

Thatwasgood news. “Why?”

“The sheriff just told me he tried to rob a liquor store in Torrance and ran into an armed owner. He was wounded, caught, and his parole will certainly be revoked.”

I thought I’d feel elated to hear news like that after what he did to me, but I didn’t. Relieved maybe, but not elated. It delayed the day of reckoning, at least.

I woke up my phone to dial Duke again. He was my future, and every additional minute not knowing how he was doing or hearing from him grew more unbearable. “Lucas, why don’t you tell Dad the status?”

“Lloyd, the important thing is that Serena’s now out of danger…”

I left the kitchen for privacy to make my call.

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