Page 140 of Saving Serena

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“Got ya covered.” Jordy pulled one of his drones from the backseat. “Here’s the latest picture of Pons.” He passed around his phone.

Now I had a face to go with the description of general scumbag.

Terry opened the hatch of his SUV and pulled out the same vest as I already had on—a soft, level-II model, below what I was used to for SEAL missions.

We hadn’t expected a firefight and hadn’t packed rifles, so today would be a handgun-only assault. Along with flashbangs and knives.

Jordy’s drone buzzed and took to the air.

Lucas checked his SIG and added clips to his pockets.

I carried two and added one more. It wasn’t likely to turn into a firefight, but if it did, I’d be prepared. The tiny tactical camera for seeing in rooms or around corners was next.

When Terry started screwing a suppressor on, Lucas shook his head. “We go in hot and loud. This guy is a civilian, maybe with a few hired guns, but Spinelli is likely the only one with experience. Noise is our friend against novices.”

Terry nodded and removed it.

“We have no idea how many there are, or what they’re carrying, so be alert and careful.” Lucas looked at me to add, “No heroics, and we shoot to incapacitate.” That was understood, but not always possible.

Terry pulled a flashbang from the box. “Copy that.”

I nodded, knowing I would define my own level of what constitutedheroicswhen it came to Serena’s safety. This wasn’t another SEAL mission. No, this was more important. They could be torturing Serena right now to get information she didn’t have.

In the teams, I’d learned not to react to things that would turn any man’s stomach, but now I almost puked into the back of the SUV. The thought of Serena being tortured was more than I could handle.

If anything happened to her, I’d burn Pons and anyone with him to the ground.

We workedour way quickly through the trees toward the objective.

“Jordy, confirm we have the right house,” Lucas demanded.

“Screw you. I don’t make mistakes,” Jordy said.

Terry’s eyes went wide. As a non-family member, he didn’t get to say shit like that to Lucas.

“Address matches, and one of the cars out front is the Beamer that took Serena. License plate confirmed,” Jordy continued.

With that, I breathed easier. Soon, I’d have her back in my arms, safe and sound. I should have told her how I felt, how much my feelings had surprised me, but I’d remedy that soon enough.

“Copy,” Lucas replied. “What’s the opposition situation?”

“They’re not expecting company. No guards on watch. One man on a smoke break out front by the cars,” Jordy said in our ears. “Beyond that, I can’t get close enough to tell numbers. The north wall is the best approach, only one small window.”

As we got closer, my confidence built. I had my brother, Lucas, the baddest of the Omega badasses, and Terry, who was as competent a shot as any non-spec-ops guy could be. We also had the element of surprise.

Lucas called a halt at the tree line when the house came into view.

Pons, Spinelli, and whoever else was there had no idea the hell we were prepared to rain down on them.

“Terry with me.” Lucas pointed. “We’ll go left. Duke, right. Jordy, keep watch.”

We split and raced to the north side of the building.

“Hold,” Jordy said, and we all froze along the wall. “You’ll never guess who came out to talk to our smoker.”

“Jordy,” Lucas barked. “Now is not the time.”

“Igor Yaroslavsky, and we know he never travels alone.”

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