Page 127 of Saving Serena

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Katelyn had gottenon the phone with one of her contractors the moment we started off. At least her distraction allowed me to watch for Duke’s car. I only caught sight of him once.

After minutes of arguing with the guy, she hung up. “I don’t feel so great.” She held her stomach.

“What’s wrong?”

“I had leftovers for breakfast, and they’re not agreeing with me.” She groaned and reclined the seat back, then put it upright again. “Stop there. The next block.” She pointed ahead at the gas station with an attached Minimart. “I gotta use the bathroom, or we’re going to have a big problem.” She groaned again.

When we reached it, I pulled in and parked.

She quickly opened her door. “Can you buy me a Seven-up and some Saltines?” she asked as she scooted inside.

I turned off the engine and stayed in the car, watching for Duke to drive up. Then I made the decision that helping my friend was more important than following each of his highness’s commands and waiting in the car.

“I’m going inside,” I said clearly. “My friend needs my help. I’ll be right back out.”

I locked the car. It was a sketchy neighborhood, so I slung my purse diagonally over my chest and went inside. A girl in allblack with a nose ring and a half dozen eyebrow piercings was behind the counter, jabbering on her phone.

I found the crackers near the front. The refrigerators with the soft drinks were at the back. Opening the glass door, I chose a plastic bottle with a screw top instead of a can.

Then I saw him, and my heart stopped. It was the monster who’d tried to take me off the street on Tuesday. Ducking down, I didn’t think he’d seen me. But he was between me and the entrance. How did this shit keep happening to me?

Noticing an emergency exit sign high on the side wall, I let myself hope I could make it to the car. I had to get back there and to the microphone inside.I can do this.

Silently, I set the crackers and drink down before slinking toward that wall in a crouch.

I made it to the far aisle and shuffled down to the door. It had an alarm sign on it. That meant I’d have to sprint to the car. What if he knew Katelyn was also EPA? I didn’t dare lift my head to look for him. Instead, I backtracked toward the hall with the restroom sign. I rounded the corner to the back aisle.

“There you are.” His voice was as ominous as it had been before.

I turned to run, but he grabbed my ponytail and yanked.Ow, ow, ow. Painful didn’t begin to describe it. Then, a beefy arm wrapped around me from behind.

Before I could scream, the guy clamped a rag over my mouth.

I struggled and clawed at the hands holding me, but he was way too strong. All I could get out was a muffled moan.

The rag smelled sickly sweet.

My legs felt sluggish as I stomped down, trying for his foot. I got him on the second try.

“Bitch,” he swore as his hands loosened enough for me to get free.

I ran for the exit. My legs were like jelly. Making it around the corner, I rushed to the door. A push on the bar, and I’d be outside with the alarm blaring. I reached for it…

The monster grabbed the back of my shirt and jerked me toward him. The rag came up to my mouth again. My arms felt heavy and my fingers weak as I tried to pull his hand away.

Then…everything went black.


The powerful twin-turboengine screamed as I downshifted and raced into the oncoming lane to pass the road boulder in my way. Whipping the wheel right again, I narrowly missed the oncoming car and got back in my lane.

Argh.My stubborn woman had refused to listen to my instructions, and I had a bad feeling about this. The episode on a sidewalk mere blocks from her building highlighted how dangerous it could be for her to be alone.

I’d accelerated as soon as I heard her say, “I’m going inside. My friend needs my help. I’ll be right back out.”

“Her location, Jordy?” I couldn’t take my eyes off the road to check it myself.

“Still at the gas station. It’ll be a minute before I can pull up a video feed.”

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