Page 117 of Saving Serena

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We crossed the street to the uncrowded side. The coffee shop beckoned two blocks away.

Suddenly, a hand came from behind and shoved Katelyn.

“What the fuck?” She toppled to the ground.

“That hurt,” Remy complained as he ended up next to her.

Big, beefy arms wrapped around me, and I screamed. “Hey.” I kicked behind me and connected with someone’s shin—hard.

“Fuck.” With a groan, his grip loosened, and I wriggled free.

He was big and built, in a black tee and black cargo pants. “No, you don’t.” Moving faster than I thought possible, he grabbed my wrist and yanked me toward him. He’d grabbed my bad arm, still tender from being run off the road, and it hurt like hell when he pulled. Lifting me off my feet, he carried me like a football, with my arms pinned against him and the cut on my side screaming painfully.

“Help,” I yelled, but there was nobody else around.

“Let her go,” Katelyn screamed.

“Yeah, let her go,” Remy chimed in.

The brute ignored them and carried me toward a nearby SUV.

No. No. No. It was black, with tinted windows and no front license plate. If he got me in there, I was dead—or worse. I kicked and tried to get loose, but it was no good. I bit him through his shirt.

“Bitch.” He stopped and punched my skull, then slapped me hard.

My vision blurred for a moment as pain exploded across my head. Nothing I did worked. He was too big.

But I had to get free. I’d seen the movies. If he got me in the car, I’d be raped and sex trafficked, or worse. I didn’t have Liam Neeson looking over me. I saw an opening and punched his crotch.

His grip on me loosened, and I fell to my hands and knees.

“You’ll pay for that,” he roared as he grabbed my hair.

God, that hurt. He pulled me along, stumbling. This couldn’t be the end. I was too young to die.

Then I heard anoof, and my attacker let go of my hair. I fell to my knees and turned to see Duke dodge the big guy’s fist. Then my Duke delivered a series of rapid-fire punches to the guy’s face and body. Duke was clearly skilled and almost elegant in his delivery.

The monster roared and charged. Duke dodged and kicked the monster’s knee. The guy dented the parked car he landed against, but got up and hobbled toward us. The monster swung again and missed. He was no match for the former SEAL. Duke landed two more punches and a wicked kick. The big guy landed in a heap.

I didn’t have Liam Neeson looking after me, but I had someone better—a SEAL, a true badass.

People were finally running this way, and I heard a siren in the distance.

“Time to go,” Duke said as he extended a hand to help me up.

I took the offered hand and once again felt that zing from his touch.

Suddenly, Duke groaned and shook uncontrollably. The zing of excitement instantly became an electric shock that jerked my hand away.

Duke slumped to his knees next to me. “Gun. Waist,” he mumbled through gritted teeth as he fell to the ground.

I saw two wires coming from his back and leading to…Holy fuck.Black Jacket Guy had appeared, and he held a yellow Taser in his hand, grinning maniacally.

“You’re coming with me.” He dropped the Taser and advanced.

I grabbed Duke’s gun from his waist and swiveled. Mentally, I thanked Dad for making me take lessons from the master chief on handling a gun.

Black Jacket Guy glanced at the approaching crowd, then sneered and changed course to help the monster goon up off the sidewalk. “You won’t shoot an unarmed man.” He helped his man toward the SUV.

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