Page 114 of Saving Serena

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He ran fingers over my hand, gentle fingers that said so much. “I’m sorry.”

I couldn’t bring myself to tell Duke the horrid details, the darkness, the things they did to me. I’d never told anybody, not even my family.

“How come I never heard about your case?”

I let out a long breath. “Dad didn’t get the cops or the FBI involved, only Lucas. They demanded three million, and Dad paid it immediately.”

“So, they let you go.”

I gulped down the rock lodged in my throat, thinking about that day. “No.”

“Lucas found you?” he guessed.

“He did.” I steadied myself for the next part. “When Dad paid the ransom, Lucas somehow followed Harvey after he picked it up.” I took another breath. “When Harvey returned,Oscar picked up a knife and was about to…” I sobbed. I’d been so scared, and again, I couldn’t tell Duke the truth. “Cut me loose.”

“Did he?” Duke asked softly.

“Anyway, that’s when Lucas came through the door.” I choked up because the next part was so terrible.

Duke didn’t push me.

“He didn’t see Harvey behind the door, so when he came in and ordered Oscar to put his hands up, thinking he was Harvey, Harvey shot him from behind.” The scene played out in slow motion. “Lucas’s gun dropped to the floor, and I thought he was going to die. But Lucas turned and charged. They fought. That’s when Oscar dropped the knife and went for the gun on the floor. I couldn’t let him shoot Lucas again. So I grabbed the knife and stabbed him.”

Duke squeezed my hand.

“My God, the blood… So much blood.” I sobbed as the images I’d repressed for so long came back. “I got him in the neck.”

“And Harvey vowed revenge?”

“Uh-huh. Harvey wanted a plea deal, and Dad wanted to avoid a kidnapping trial. Dad talked to the DA and got the charges dropped to attempted murder.”

“Instead of kidnapping and everything else?” Duke asked incredulously. “He should have gotten life, or the needle.”

“It was like I was never there. That was the price to avoid a trial, so I didn’t have to testify and nobody would know they could kidnap a Benson for an easy three million.”

“But now he’s out on the street to threaten you again, or somebody else.”

“Dad made the decision to shield me.” At the time, I’d loved him for it. I couldn’t imagine having to recount details I hadn’t even told my mother in open court.

“I can’t imagine how hard that ordeal was for you. Thank you for trusting me with your truth.” Duke gave me the most caring look I’d ever received. He didn’t judge me, and it wasn’t pity I saw, but pride.

As he gently rocked me, I thought just maybe he was right that talking about the events would get me past some of the fear. But I also felt guilty that I was too scared to share everything with him.

“I can see why he’s so protective of you,” Duke added after a moment.

“Hold on. It’s way beyond protective. He wants to lock me in the house and never let me out. That’s why I couldn’t let you guys tell him about being run off the road. You saw how he was. He would have kidnapped me himself to lock me away.”

“He’s not doing that. You’re mine, and trust me, I’ll take care of you.”

We leaned back on the bed, and for the longest time, he held me, stroking my hair. Slowly, my tears dried, and the memories faded. I was in my man’s arms, and that was what mattered.



I wokeTuesday morning with Duke’s arm around me, as I had for several days now. He breathed the steady rhythm of sleep into my hair.

This morning, with the hint of sunshine coming from behind the blinds, I felt completely renewed. Today was the first day of the rest of my life. I’d unloaded most of my troubled past on Duke, and he was still here.

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