Page 134 of Devil in a Tux

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“I worked hard and got a scholarship. Maybe you should have tried that, the work hard part I mean.”

“You got in because somebody pulled strings for you. That same person paid for your scholarship. That same person pulled more strings to get you into the business school later.”

I came to stop. “Bull fucking shit. My Dad went broke before I went to college. Now, I'm going this way.” I pointed toward the Starbucks. “If you know what’s good for you, you better go the other way. I may not have the heels on to break your other foot, but my toe is fast enough to send your balls all the way to Buffalo before you even have time to scream.”

He backed up a step and put his hands up. “Whoa there. I'm just telling you your boyfriend isn't the cool guy you think he is.”

Now he was making zero sense.

“He’s been working this plan to get you in his bed since you were a teenager. So I guess that thing with your tongue must be really good.”

That comment to the blogger hadn’t worked out well for me. I pulled my fist back ready to smack him.

He backed just out of reach “He really planned ahead to get you the things you wanted so he could pursue you now. Go ahead and ask him.”

“I said leave me alone.” I started back on my original path and gave him a middle finger salute over my shoulder.

He followed behind. “Ask him about Operation Overwatch,” He taunted.

I slowed for a second remembering that I’d seen a file with that name in Evan’s office. Then, I pulled out my phone. “If you don’t leave me alone right this second, I’m calling 9-1-1.”

“If you don’t believe me, ask him.” Finally, he turned and walked away. Then he started to whistle.Fucker.

When I glanced back, he was getting the passenger seat of a red Ferrari.Snob.The driver’s hair almost matched the car's. I felt sorry for any woman unlucky enough to end up with that slimy fucker.

I wondered if any of what Martin had said could possibly be true. He’d been twisted enough to proposition me on the dance floor with my boyfriend there, maybe he was trying to poison my relationship with Evan because he was the one who wanted into my pants.

I turned around, with a plan to get to the truth.

* * *


I wasout on Long Island checking on the Hampton’s house as Dad had asked.

Against my better judgment, I answered Martin’s call. “Yes.”

“That’s exactly what you should have said when I gave you a chance to leave the board and keep your lady friend. Now it's too late. She knows all your dirty secrets.” He laughed like a hyena.

My gut clenched. It shouldn’t have gotten to this. I knew he had too much to lose to take this step.

“You were too fucking bull-headed,” he snorted. “You thought you had all the angles covered.”

I seethed but kept my words cold and clipped. “If it’s war you want it’s war you’ll get. Or, have you forgotten about the Northern Aerospace letter?”

“That won’t work a second time. I’ve already gone to Dad and explained the situation.” What he meant was he’d provided an alternative explanation that made him look blameless—a lie.

“I’ll see you in the boardroom, and we’ll see.”

“You brought this on yourself, Evan. You should have taken the deal. Now you lose both ways. Dad negotiated a sweetener to the deal for Northern, and they’re not so angry anymore.” What a pair of fucking sleazeballs both father and son. Make it three with Northern Aerospace’s chairman.

“Like I said, I’ll see you in the boardroom Martin.” I hung up after that bluff. I had no backup play.

Instead, what I had was a problem with Alexa, a big fucking problem.

I called her. No answer and I got the same result three more times.

I dialed Albert. “I need to get back home right now.”

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