Page 112 of Devil in a Tux

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I gave him the bill. “I’d like to contact the building owner.” I pulled out another bill. When he didn’t budge, I added a third.

In the end it took another hundred to get a dirty business card from him with the name and number I wanted.

* * *


Once inside thecar with the few bags of my belongings in the trunk, I snuggled up to my man. Clung to him was more like it. My leg still shook from the experience.

He rubbed my back. “You’re safe now. He can’t hurt you.”

I merely clung to him tighter.

“It’s what any boyfriend would do,” he joked.

But Pinky was no joking matter. “No. Not when dealing with that guy.”

His only answer was to hold me close and run his hand over my back.

As always, he wore a suit, but when I ran my hand inside his coat over the ridges of muscle they didn’t know about, I could picture him a shirtless Tarzan, protective, fearless, and king of all he surveyed, including this concrete jungle.

He'd taken on Pinky without any hesitation, just like Tarzan taking on a lion. Nobody else in my neighborhood had the guts to do that, or was crazy enough. But my Evan didn’t flinch, didn’t hesitate.

It was clear why they called him the Shark of Wall Street. Gwen was right, with sharp teeth and no fear he’d take on anyone. And attacking Pinky’s little brother? The comment that the man had no compassion was spot on. Evan hadn’t tried to hide it from me this afternoon. He was dangerous in his own right.

With me he cuddled, but I had to remember that there was also the stone cold side to him, like the articles had said, he had the compassion of a great white, and that was what made him so invincible in the business world. His willingness to threaten Pinky’s little brother was evidence enough of that.

After today I could add another instance of Evan saving me, this time from something every woman dreaded. If I'd been alone in that hallway carrying bags of clothes when Pinky arrived it could've turned out quite differently.

But after Evan’s threats against Pinky, this was likely to be a more dangerous place for me to live when Evan and I were done. Fifty bucks might not buy my way out of trouble in the future. That was a troubling thought. How far would I have to move to be safe?



Late the next morning,Rita yelled down the hall, “Sydney, come here. You’ll never believe what just arrived.”

She hadn’t called me, but curiosity forced me out from behind my desk to investigate.

Sydney was paging through a document. “I don’t believe it.”

“It’s real right?” Rita asked, looking over his shoulder.

“Let me finish it,” he said.

“Well?” she asked again.

“Quiet, dear. I need to read this before I sign it.” After two more pages he laid it on the desk and pulled out his pen. “It looks right to me.”

“What changed his mind?” she asked.

I still had no idea what this was.

“Not what, but who.” He turned to me. “Alexa, I had my doubts, but your Mr. McAllister is a miracle worker. I like him. I don’t know how to thank you. Or, him for this.”

“Mr. Quenton signed the lease extension,” Rita explained. She raised a hand. “I know. We can get him an aquarium membership so he can visit the penguins any time he wants.”

They had become like a second family to me, and seeing them this happy melted my heart. Then there was the odd feeling of pride I felt that I’d had a hand in my boyfriend helping them with this huge problem.

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