Page 110 of Devil in a Tux

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Albert merely worked quietly and shrugged when I looked to him for a comment.

Five minutes later we had as much as we were going to carry in this trip, and with the smell I didn’t want to stay any longer than necessary.

I locked the door after we exited.

The yell came down the hallway. “Hey there Blondie.”

The day just got worse. Even in the dim lighting Pinky’s dyed hair was easy to make out. He and four of his thugs sauntered toward us from the stairwell door. “You owe me fifty bucks, or you and me gonna go on a date.”

Two more of Pinky’s crew came out of the stairwell door—not good odds.

My leg started to shake. This was the nightmare scenario.

Albert dropped the bags he carried and moved in front of us. The big man took up almost the entire width of the hall, but there were now seven of them.

I dropped my bag as well when Even set his down.

“Who calls the shots?” Evan asked me quietly.

“The guy in front. Pinky.”

The group moved toward us. “We got a tax on strangers in this building,” Pinky announced.

Before I could say anything to stop him, Evan tapped Albert on the shoulder. “Let me talk to him.” Evan took out his wallet. “What do we know about him?” he whispered to Albert.

“A younger brother, Timothy,” Albert whispered back.

Pulling cash from his wallet, Evan walked forward. “Pinky. You and me should talk… Alone.”

Pinky snorted, but then as Evan pulled out more bills, he told his guys to stay back and walked up to meet Evan half way.

The only words of Evan’s I could make out were “poached or fried?”

Pinky got jittery, sneered, and spat on the carpet. He took the money and shooed his guys back into the stairwell.

Finally able to breathe again, I picked up the bags and followed Evan and Albert to the stairs.

As we reached the door to the stairwell, Albert motioned for us to stay and went in first to check. “Clear,” he said.

I took the time to ask Evan, “Pinky looked pissed. What did you say to him?”

* * *


We stoppedat the stairwell door and Albert went ahead to check it out. If the turd with the red hair want to ambush us, this is where it would go down.

I tapped Albert on the shoulder.

He nodded and went ahead to check the stairwell.

“Tell me,” Alexa insisted.

This was not the place to sit around arguing. “I paid your red-haired friend to make sure nothing happens to your place,” I explained.

“Not enough detail,” she said.

Albert reappeared. “It’s clear.”

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