Page 87 of Passion at the Lake

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“Holy fuck, Angel,” he murmured as he stroked my hair and my back.

“Yeah,” I agreed. I didn’t know what had happened between us, but it was sure to complicate things for the next three weeks. What did it mean that I’d had both my first multiple orgasm, and the most powerful ones of my life, with the man I’d hated for years?



As the firstlight sneaked in past the curtains, something smelled rotten. I managed to open one eye and found Julie with her snout a few inches from my face. At least she hadn’t licked me with that foul tongue of hers—not yet.

Offsetting Julie’s bad breath was the warm feel of Boone curled behind me, with an arm over my midsection and what promised to be exceptional morning wood poking my ass.

Noticing me awake, Julie lifted her head and backed away, tail wagging. At least she didn’t bark or whimper. As I shifted, trying to get out from under Boone’s arm without waking him, his hand rose to capture my breast.

“Where are you going?” he asked with a gentle squeeze that reminded me of all the attention he’d paid my boobs last night. Kevin had never bothered other than some brutal grabs.

Enjoying the touch, I placed my hand over Boone’s and leaned back against his warmth for a moment. “I have to let the dogs out,” I said softly, pulling his hand away so I could slide out of bed. “I’ll be back.”

He shifted to rub his erection against me, in case I hadn’t noticed. “I’ll be waiting.”

Reaching behind me as I slid out, I gave his cock a pull. “You could come with me.”

He groaned. “I’ll just wait here for you.”

I pulled on a sweatshirt and jeans and slipped into shoes.

He leaned up on his elbow. “You should put in a doggie door so they can let themselves out.”

I didn’t bother with their leashes as I herded Grace’s three kids to the door. “That sounds like an action item for the landlord. I’m just a temporary tenant here, remember?”

He didn’t say anything to that before I followed the dogs out.

Temporary.The word rattled around in my head as the dogs went about their business. I was on my way to Mom’s, and that put an expiration date on whatever Boone and I had started, or rekindled, last night.It is what it is, I reminded myself. I had to accept the twists and turns life threw at me. This was going to be a memorabletemporaryfling, and fighting the inevitable never worked out anyway.

When I reopened the door, the dogs rushed past me back inside. They knew the routine. Since arriving, I’d been serving them breakfast directly after taking them out.

Boone was slipping on his shoes. “I have to get up to the house.”

“Are you sure?” It was still early. We’d used his second condom in the middle of the night, and he hadn’t brought a third. Would asking him to stay and cuddle be weird? Turning away from him, I scooped out the dogs’ breakfast.

“Marge will be up soon,” he added.

“Right,” I said, still facing the counter. Maybe he didn’t want her to know he’d been here with me.

“I’ll see you inside for breakfast.”

“Right,” I repeated.

He came up behind me and placed a kiss on my head. “You okay?”

“Of course.” Honestly, I had no clue ifokaydescribed my situation today. In twenty-four hours, everything about my life had changed, and I didn’t know which way was up. I always kept things logical. I made plans and followed checklists, and now I didn’t have one to guide me. I was used to order. Last night and this morning hadn’t followed any of the rules that had guided my life to this point.

Boone’s arms came around me, providing the comfort I didn’t know how to ask for. Goose bumps ran up my back at his touch. I reveled in the security his chest provided and turned to face him.

“A lot of things are changing all at once, and I need to adjust,” I told him.

Releasing me after scratching my scalp, he said, “I’ll see you inside. I really do have to hurry, and so do you, if you want a ride.”

Right. I needed a ride to pick up my car from Rusty.

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