Page 84 of Passion at the Lake

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I stepped up next to her and snaked my arm around her waist, reveling in her softness against me as the chief climbed into his car, turned off the flashing blue lights, and slowly drove out.

Rusty came out the door and cast a glance around, looking away quickly when he caught a glimpse of the chief driving off.

Angela snuggled against me. “I don’t think the cops like you.”

“Welcome to the town feud in action.” I guided her toward my truck.

“My car,” she protested. “I can’t leave it here. That’s how this all started.”

“Hey, Rusty,” I called. “Hold up.”

He turned back.

Not wanting to be away from Angela for a second, I had her give me the keys to her car and tossed them to Rusty to keep it safe for the night.



With a full moon out,we could easily make our way down the lakeside path without the headlamp Boone had pulled from his truck.

He wrangled the two bigger dogs. Suddenly Julie decided to circle him and tangle her leash. “Why aren’t they better behaved?”

I pulled Izzy along behind them, where I got an eyeful of BG. “I’m the dog sitter. Not the dog trainer.” I’d been jittery with anticipation as we drove back to the house. After what Boone had said to me tonight, this walk was sensual even without contact. Two lovers—or lovers-to-be, I guessed—drawing out the anticipation of what was to come.

Boone stopped and pointed out on the water. “See that island there?”

I scanned the lake. Izzy decided to chase Julie’s tail around us, and now we were tied together by a pair of leashes. “Yeah.”

King sat by the side of the path, no doubt laughing at his two dog sisters.

“Careful,” Boone said when I tried to lift a leg out of the tangle. His arm came around me, to steady us. “I’d like to take you over there. It’s a great place for a picnic.”

I knew nobody went there, and for good reason. “I heard Jimmy-Bob was in the hospital for two weeks after going there. Poisonous snakes. No, thank you. Unexploded ordinance. Double no, thank you.”

“Those stories are to scare the tourists away so we get the island to ourselves. I wouldn’t take you if it wasn’t safe.”

In that sentence was the truth of the matter. Boone looked out for me and had since I’d arrived—I just hadn’t realized or appreciated it. Sure, the job and pay advance he’d given me could have been because Grace had asked him, but he’d also convinced the chief to get rid of my ticket, and kept me from having to do God knows what with creepy Devlin.

“Trust me,” he said as his hand cruised up my side and a thumb casually brushed the side of my boob.

Sparks ran through my veins. “Are you trying to cop a feel?” I joked.

“We did say we’d pick up where we left off.”

“But we’re not teenagers anymore,” I breathed as I turned to face him.

He traced a finger along the low neckline of my top. “No, we’re not.”

My breath hitched as he hooked his finger inside my bra and stroked, teasing me. “Is this too much?”

“No,” I breathed, shifting my hips so I could feel the erection in his pants. He was as turned on as I was.

His hand moved down and came back up inside my blouse to cup my breast. “And this?”

I switched Izzy’s leash to the other hand and answered by gripping his ass cheek and squeezing. “We’re adults.”

His mouth found mine, and he pulled me against him. Closing my eyes, I parted my lips in invitation. He swept his tongue inside and twined it with mine.

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