Page 77 of Passion at the Lake

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“Hey there, Boone,” Tawny said as she saw me come in. “Just you tonight?”

“I’m meeting someone.”

“I heard Dillon is coming back for a visit.”

I hadn’t heard that, but it wasn’t surprising. When she didn’t leave, I added, “I haven’t seen him, but if I do I’ll let him know you asked after him.”

That put a smile on her face. It seemed all the single women in town had some underground network feeding them information on my movie-star brother’s whereabouts. He had the life.

Stepping past her, it wasn’t until I scanned the room a second time that I found Angela in the far corner. She wasn’t alone, but the guy’s back was to me. It didn’t matter. Now that I was here, I wouldn’t wait. The guy could step aside for a moment.

I started toward the girl I needed to talk to, and the truth I needed to learn. My heart raced in an inverse flight-or-fight response. I was traveling to the fight instead of away from it. The truth needed to come out, whether it instigated another fight between us or not.

Neither of them had seen me yet. But the man turned his head slightly. My blood ran cold with anger when I recognized Devlin fucking Pollock.

She was eating with Devlin Pollock, of all people. First lunch, and now this? I clenched and unclenched my fists to let off steam and walked up as calmly as I could. My instinct was to haul the dickweed to his feet so I could slam him into the ground as hard as he deserved.

Angela’s eyes found mine, and the glare she sent me was ten degrees below friendly.Stay the fuck awaywas the clear message.

I ignored her frosty vibe. She either didn’t know what a dick he was, or didn’t care. Both were good reasons to crash this party.

Devlin was still facing away, and he was in civvies instead of his uniform, which meant he didn’t have his Taser on him and it would be a fair fight, if it came to that.

I was three strides away when I decided instigating something physical with the dipshit was a bad plan. Then he leaned over the table toward Angela and took her hand in his—in a way that was three steps beyond casual. If he moved one inch closer, I’d take that my pledge to not start anything off the table.

She mumbled words I couldn’t hear.

When I reached the table, her eyes widened in alarm. “Boone?” The low-cut top she wore was very unlike the Angela I knew.

Devlin jerked back. The hatred on his face was easy to read.

I gave him a head-nod toward the corner. “May I have a word with you?” I asked in my most calm voice. What I really felt like doing was breaking a chair over his fucking head.

He plastered on a sneer. “Tomorrow, Benson. Can’t you see I’m busy?”

It was time for plan B. “It’s about Lee,” I said softly. “I think now would be better.”

His brow creased as he tried to read me. “Lee?”

I nodded and took a step back.

He rose and followed me to the corner I chose, far enough to be out of earshot of the tables and most importantly, Angela.

I positioned myself so I could see her over his shoulder. As much as I wanted to focus on her, I had to keep her in the background and get this right with little dicky dickhead.

“What about Lee?” he asked in a whisper.

“If you want my help finding his body…” I intoned slowly and softly.

“You know where it is?” he asked in rapid staccato.

“Keep your voice down,” I reminded him. I mentally counted to three before answering in a conspiratorial whisper. “If you want my help, if you want me to tell you everything I know, you will get the hell away frommy girland stay away.”

He looked back toward Angela for a second and seemed to consider his options.

When he hesitated, I calculated the damage to our family if I broke his freaking nose right now—pretty bad. But worth it to get him away from Angela, if that’s what it took.

He shrugged “We’re only having dinner.”

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