Page 28 of Passion at the Lake

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I breathed easier as I brought up my email login.

I blinked at the message that came back after I hit enter. I clenched my fists lest I lash out and break something.Fucking fuckety fuck fuck.

The guy at the table next to me shot a questioning glance my way when I growled.

By locking me out of the dark lord’s email and website, Kevin had stolen my digital identity. Without my email, nobody would believe I was DarkLord666.

For a net denizen like me, nothing could be worse. It was a digital death sentence. I’d spent years building the dark lord’s reputation, and now that was gone. Anger-fueled adrenaline made me jittery. After more structured breathing, I picked up the pen and added another line to my checklist.,

:Burn down K.

It didn’t need to say any more.

Was it my fault for leaving? Or for underestimating him?

No. It was Kevin’s fucking fault, and he would regret starting a long-distance fight with me.

Yesterday all I’d wanted was to leave him and move on with my life, but he’d escalated this to a war. Stealing DarkLord666 was like stabbing me in the heart. I’d never used my talents to hurt anybody, but for Kevin, I’d make an exception. I’d fucking burn down his digital life. He was a tech amateur, and if our combat was conducted across the internet, I’d torch him every time. Changing my passwords was bush league compared to the digital mayhem I’d send his way.

Revoking his driver’s license would be an easy start. Putting his name on the TSA no-fly list came to mind. Adding a dozen bad debts and a tax lien to his credit history would also be fitting—followed perhaps by an outstanding arrest warrant from Alaska for drunk driving and resisting arrest.

Was that wicked of me? Maybe. But I still smiled when I thought of him getting carted off to Anchorage in handcuffs for a few days before they sorted it out.

After stewing for a while, I refreshed my drink.

I was able to get into my old college email account. Kevin hadn’t thought to change the password on that one yet. The most recent message told me why. It was from him.

Your phone seems to be out of order.

I miss you. Please respond so I know you’re all right.

Love you always.

Your Kevin

He’d left the account as a way to contact me, to taunt me. I took the preemptive strike of changing the password and all the challenge questions so that at least this account was safe from him.

Picking up my laptop, I turned in the mug and started off. Walking around town might burn some of this adrenaline and let me focus on the problem.

* * *

After several laps around downtown,The Beach Kitchen looked like a pleasant place to hang out. I ordered a burger and took it to a table where I could watch people out on the water. Conveniently, it also had WiFi.

They looked so happy. They had what I wanted, peace of mind enough to be carefree.

Kevin’s attack had caught me off guard. And his message taunted me. Did he think I’d just send him a message back, so we could sort everything out? I rolled my eyes. That would play right into his hands, and I refused to be that girl again.

After wracking my brain all morning, I’d come up with only two potential projects for my expertise that I remembered him talking about. I really should have paid more attention to the marketing side, but that had been our division of labor.

He found the work, and I did it—simple and easy until now.



By midafternoon,I’d gotten nowhere with the two companies I could remember. Telling them I was the new marketing contact for the dark lord hadn’t worked. It seemed Kevin had already called and informed them that someone was out there pretending to be associated with the dark lord in order to scam people. Even impassioned phone calls after my initial emails had been rudely cut short.

I had to hand it to Kevin. The asshole had been thorough in screwing me over. Had he thought ahead and planned this strategy to deal with me in the event I left? Possibly.

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