Page 157 of Passion at the Lake

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Pris checked her watch and thumbed toward the door. “We need the room.”

The slim girl’s eyes went wide as she quickly wiped her hands dry and scurried out, uninterested in challenging Pris.

Pris’s hand went to her hips as the door closed. “Don’t you get it?”

I looked at Jordan, thinking the question was for her, but her eyes held no recognition.

Pris exhaled an exasperated breath. “My stupid fucking brother just put his life on the line and took a punch from Godzilla out there to try to solve this thing.”

Jordan and I exchanged confused looks.

“Why don’t you get it?” She zeroed in on Jordan. “And I caught that car-theft threat. Did you miss it?”

I hadn’t missed the threat, but didn’t say anything because I knew in advance it was coming, and I was ashamed of how I’d left myself open to it.

“What car?” Jordan asked.

I sighed. “The one I’ve been driving. It’s registered in his name. He said if I didn’t go with him, he’d have me arrested for stealing it. I can’t go to jail.”

Pris shook her head. “You’re not going anywhere, if my brother has anything to say about it. Boone can talk a leopard in to swapping half his spots. You’ll see.”

Hope blossomed in my chest. Just maybe Pris knew something I didn’t.

“So,” she continued. “We wait here for a minute while the menfolk solve their disagreement.”

“But he assaulted me too,” Jordan pointed out. “I can’t let him get away with that.”

Pris advanced on Jordan “It’s your turn to take one for the family. Boone already did. He’s about to be your brother-in-law. Give him a chance to fix this.”

Jordan backed up a step and flexed her shoulder. “I guess.”

Pris tipped her chin toward me. “Boone’s crush on her goes way back, and she could end up being our fucking sister-in-law, for all I know. How can you fuck that up?”

Pris had clearly had a few too many glasses of that margarita concoction. I was as far from being someone’s sister-in-law as a girl could get. Wasn’t a boyfriend, a real one, a necessary first step?

Jordan looked at me with astonishment. “I heard you two broke up.”

Pris’s gaze shifted back to Jordan. “And tell me, my favorite deputy, exactly how did you feel about my brother, your fiancé, when you first arrived?”

Jordan seemed taken aback for a second. “That’s different.”

Pris nodded. “Yeah, says the pot to the kettle.”

Pris checked her watch again. “Okay, let’s go. He’s had time for his chat.” She opened the door, and we made our way back down the hall.

“What made you say that in there?” I asked as I held Pris back.

She stopped and grinned. “With men it’s hard to know what they’re really feeling, but there are clues. Now, if you ever repeat this…” She poked me hard in the shoulder. “I’ll deny it, and then I’ll hunt you down.”

I gasped.

She poked me again, harder still. “Understand?”

I nodded.

“The day he broke up with you in high school was the first day I ever saw my brother cry. He’ll deny it, but I heard him say to himself that he thought you were the one. Right before he put his fist through the wall. Twice.”

My eyes widened. I’d cried that day too.

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