Page 136 of Passion at the Lake

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Pris threw up her arms. “She can’t afford that. None of us can.”

My stomach threatened to turn over as I watched my method of escape from this town be pulled up the ramp and away from me.

“You should have warned us,” Pris whispered to Rusty.

He shrugged. “What’s it feel like being ignored?”

Her face turned murderous, but Pris held her mouth in check and merely stomped in a circle. “Unfuckingbelievable.”

Rusty cinched a belt on a rear tire.

“I’ll meet you at the yard,” Devlin said, returning to his car.

Rusty climbed down from the flatbed.

Devlin tipped his chin to me. “Three weeks is a long time. Maybe there’s something we can do about that. I’ll call you for dinner.”

The fucking nerve of this guy. Once again I was trapped by this snake.

He threw me a salute and got in his car, still smiling.

Maybe I was a better actress than I thought. He didn’t seem to realize how much he disgusted me. Unable to stomach this any longer, I turned away. Bile rose in my throat as I climbed the steps back to the cabin. I was as trapped as a rat in a bathtub. Without the car and with almost no money, I was really up shit creek.

A minute later, I heard the flatbed haul my baby away, and I was out of options. As much as I hated the idea, I’d have to call Mom and ask her to send money so I could get down to her. It would not be a good conversation.

The one and only time I’d asked her for money had been for help with my first apartment deposit after college. The answer had been a swift no. “You have to learn to stand on your own two feet,” she’d said.

I hoped for a better outcome today. I could come back in a few weeks to get my car.

Pris slammed the door after yelling obscenities at Rusty as he drove off. “I expect shit like that from fucking Devlin, but Rusty should have called.”

I fidgeted, pissed and unsure what to do. “He didn’t seem happy with you.”

“He wanted to go out a while back, and I told him no… Actually I told him to fuck off.”

Walking to the fridge for something to drink, I shrugged. “Men.” It wasn’t my place to tell Pris that her edges were a little rough.

“Devlin is such a dick. Do you think this has to do with you not going out with him?”

“Seems like it might,” I said.

She pulled her truck keys from her pocket. “Here. You can use mine until we get yours back.”

“But don’t you need it for work?”

“I’ll borrow a ride from my Dad.”

I accepted the keys. “Thanks.” Sitting back down at the table, I felt like death warmed over from lack of sleep and tequila. I probably looked even worse.

“All this is really a bummer,” she said, biting into her second muffin.

“It’s the trajectory of my life.” I’d thought my fight with Boone was going to be my low point. Starting this morning, things were supposed to look up after I got on the road. So much for that plan.

She chewed. “So what now?

“I guess I call Mom and have her send me some money so I can get down there.”

“Or I can loan you some,” she offered with her mouth full.

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