Page 134 of Passion at the Lake

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I’d yelled at him over those all-important three little words. Those same words had been on the tip of my tongue the other night, but I hadn’t spoken them. And now I couldn’t.

I used the tissues to wipe away the evidence of my weakness. Years with Kevin had taught me that concentrating on the unfairness of my situation only led to despair. Work had become my refuge and allowed me to cope—allowed me to be strong.

So I went back to today’s work, the puzzle on the table.What were you looking for, Lee?

A minute later another tear escaped. I wiped it away.

I will not be weak. I am in control of the situation and my destiny.



The next morning,I rolled over and slapped my annoying alarm clock into submission. I’d been unable to sleep, going over in my head how I’d been such an idiot and lost Angela.

The clock had read five in the morning the last time I checked. Lying here any longer wasn’t going to accomplish anything. The hotel and the store wouldn’t run themselves.

Rolling out of bed, my legs felt weighted as I walked to the bathroom. No doubt due to the lack of sleep topped off with the severe case of guilt over what I’d done, the incorrect conclusions I’d jumped to.

After brushing my teeth, I decided the asshole in the mirror looked better than I felt.

Downstairs, Marge looked up long enough to scowl at me before cutting into her omelet.

I shuffled to the counter.

“Did you sleep well?” she asked in her most sarcastic voice.

I rolled my eyes before looking back. “I think you can guess.”

She cocked her head. “Serves you right for treating her so poorly.”

I’d gotten enough of this yesterday. “Don’t start.” Only Dirk had stayed out of abusing me.

“Can’t take the truth?”

“I screwed up. I get it.”

“So you’re going to talk to her again?”

“Of course.” I had to figure out what I was going to say. Telling her I loved her hadn’t been a success.


“Today.” I threw up my hands and returned to my food search. I looked everywhere, including in the pan in the sink, but didn’t see my omelet anywhere. I turned back to Marge.

She forked another bite. “I don’t cook for idiots.”

* * *


The soundof a car door closing outside distracted me from reading the latest microfiche copy I had in front of me, still looking for the elusive clue. I owed this to Pris.

Pris opened the cabin door. “Find anything?”

“Not yet.”

She sat down beside me and opened a bag that saidThe Chocolate Bunny. “Best breakfast muffins in the state.” She pulled out a half dozen and explained my choices.

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