Page 127 of Passion at the Lake

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Debbie was wrong. I was strong enough to do this. A little hate sex to destroy him was a good plan. Boone had no idea what he was in for. When I was gone, he’d wish he’d trusted me.

I stood. The room tilted when I started for the door. I hit the chair and grabbed it to keep from falling. Ending up on one knee hurt, but it didn’t count as a fall, not the flat-on-your-face kind.

The logical nerd in me sat back down. This was a problem. Stupid bottle. “Jose, you should have spoken up sooner. I don’t think driving is a good idea right now.” I poured some more. “But since you’re such a good listener, I’m gonna tell you a story. Once there was this girl named Guinevere looking for a knight named Lancelot.”

* * *


Grace and Dirkwalked into the kitchen, all smiles. They were both darkly tanned. Grace wrapped Marge in a hug, then me.

“I could have used another month,” Dirk joked as he shook my hand and gave me a one-armed buddy hug.

Grace slapped him on the shoulder. “He already misses the bikini babes at the beach.”

Dirk cocked his head in acknowledgment. “You picked the beach. I was just watching the ocean…mostly.”

If we were sitting, I would have kicked Mr. Clueless under the table to get him to shut up.

“It was a nice view,” he continued. “Very nice. We should definitely go back.”

His response earned him a scowl that probably meant he was going to get a lesson in husband etiquette tonight.

Even I knew discussing watching other women in bikinis was out of bounds.

“How are my kids?” Grace asked.

“Never better,” Marge answered. “Angela has taken great care of them.”

Grace looked out the window. “I hope she didn’t spoil them too much.”

“How could she?” Dirk asked. “That’s your job.”

Grace let that go with only a mild grimace. “Speaking of, where is my misguided sister?”

Marge looked at me. “Maybe you should explain.”

I shifted to my other foot. “She left early. She has a long drive.”

Marge’s mouth set in a line. “The rest of it, I meant.”

“I said something to her,” I admitted. “And she left early.”

“I don’t even get to thank her?” Grace asked. “Have you been a jerk to her the entire time?” Red faced, she leveled me with a glare. “You’re terrible. How could you do that?”

Marge twisted two fingers together and held them up. “No, they’ve been fine until today.”

“What does that mean?” Grace asked.

“Uh…” I started.

“Huh-uh, I want the truth,” she said wagging a finger at me. “Marge, what happened?”

There was nothing I could do to stop this slow-motion train wreck.

“They were a couple until today,” Marge announced.

Grace jabbed a talon-like finger into my chest. “I asked you to find her a job, not force her into your bed.”

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