Page 101 of Passion at the Lake

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“She’s behind on an important work project,” I explained. Even to my ears it sounded lame.

Mom didn’t judge. “Just tell her she’s welcome anytime.”

“I’ll check the meat,” Dad announced as he headed out back.

Case checked his watch. “Shit. We missed the kickoff.”

Our mom wagged a finger at him. “Casey Dean, any more language like that and there’ll be no dessert for you.”

He nodded. “Sorry.”

I stayed behind while the rest of the group scurried off to turn on the game in the other room.

“Come on, Boone,” Waylon called.

I shook my head and pulled open the back door. “I’m goin’ for a walk.” Watching football was still not on my list of fun activities.

When I’d finished a lap of the trail, I saw Anna and Dad having a discussion on the back porch. Dad had been against Waylon dating Anna because of her job at the Pollock’s distillery, so I opted to stay clear and continued on the path.

As I rounded the trees after my second lap, Dad patted Anna on the back with a smile. Now it seemed safe to approach.

“One more thing,” Dad said as I drew near. “Maybe you could get Waylon to call his mother more often.”

“I’ll work on that,” she said as she headed inside.

“Tell your mother the meat’s almost done,” Dad said when he saw me walk up.

* * *

Later,at the dinner table, Case elbowed me. “How’s that motel of yours working out?”

“It’s a hotel,” I objected. “There’s a difference.”

Waylon jumped in. “Tough being such a business mogul, huh? Is the rumor about the beauty salon true?”

I changed the subject to Dillon’s latest movie rather than endure any more ribbing about Ella-Mae.

Case took the bait and tried three times to ask how they’d filmed the sex scenes in Dillon’s recent movie, but Mom wasn’t having it and shot him down.

When we gathered around the table, it was normal to have an empty place setting for our other brother Garth, but we had two empty places tonight. It wasn’t like my sister to miss one of these dinners.

“What happened to Pris?” I asked Waylon since I’d seen him drive up at almost the same time as she had.

Anna answered for him. “She wasn’t feeling well. She had cramps.”

The way she stared down at her plate as she delivered what shouldn’t have been momentous news was disconcerting.

Eventually, everybody finished their food, including second helpings for me and Waylon, and Dad signaled the end of dinner by placing his folded napkin on the table.

“Who wants to help with dessert?” Mom asked.

Case was quicker on the draw than any of the rest of us. As usual, Mom gave us choices of pie. Tonight it was apple or rhubarb. I chose apple. While Case brought out plates, I studied Anna for a clue as to what she was hiding.

Murmurs circled the room.

“Quiet,” Waylon said, directing his eyes across the table.

I looked up to find I’d totally missed what Case was doing.

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