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The difference in this office hit me. The picture of my Aunt Rossella was missing, as were his gold pen set, and his three stupid golf trophies he’d had on the credenza. He’d cleared things out already.

“It was either that,” he said, “or pink slips all around today. In addition, as trustees of your parents’ estate, we were duty bound to preserve the value of shares in the company.”

What he really meant was that if the company went belly up and my aunt’s shares became worthless, he’d have nothing and would have to go find a real job.

I couldn’t decide between crying and screaming.

“I sent you a copy of the papers,” he added.

“You can’t be serious,” I objected. “There has to be another way.”

“It’s done. Lloyd Benson and I inked the deal yesterday after you didn’t answer your phone.”

A knock came at the door, and Cynthia poked her head in. “He’s here.”

Chapter 10


I introducedmyself at the front desk. “Josh Benson here to see Ernst Berg.”

“Yes, he’s expecting you,” the cute young girl said. She rose, came around the counter, and offered her hand. “Cynthia. Nice to meet you, Mr. Benson.”


“If you’ll come with me.” She opened the door to an open work area with a few offices around the side.

A dozen pairs of eyes followed us as we made our way to the corner.

“You what?” The yell of a very upset woman came from the office we stopped in front of.

Not surprising given the abruptness of Dad’s purchase of this family-owned company. Change like this never came easily.

Cynthia hesitated before knocking.

More words came from behind the door, but now at a low-enough volume that I couldn’t discern them.

Cynthia deemed it safe to knock and told the occupants I was here.

I entered, and she closed the door behind me.

A shorter, older man with close-cropped brown hair, balding on top, and a bulbous nose, rose from behind the desk. “Mr. Benson, I presume. Ernst Berg.”

“Yes,” I responded.

The woman in the chair facing him also stood and turned my way. Except for the red face of anger she wore, I recognized her instantly—Nicole.

I stopped, with a sudden lump in my throat. She’d been the one yelling.

Ernst shoved his hand at me. “Pleasure to meet you.”

I took it and shook. “Nice to meet you… Josh, Josh Benson.” My gaze didn’t linger with him, but went instantly back to Nicole.

“And this is my niece and co-owner, Nicole Rossi,” Ernst said pleasantly.

“We’ve met,” she said coolly.

Ernst returned to his chair and leaned back. “Your father said he thought Rossi’s would integrate well with Smith’s.”

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