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Grabbing tissues from his desk, I dried my eyes. A Rossi couldn’t be seen like this in the Rossi building by the Rossi employees. I would not degrade my family name by crying in this office.I’m a Rossi, goddammit. Maybe the last Rossi to work here, but I was still responsible for the family reputation, and I would not let Daddy down.

My hands felt wooden, but I managed to put the folder back where I found it. I knew what I had to do now. I would end things between us before he did.

My destiny was repeating like a broken record.

Josh was leaving me. He’d known it since that weekend in DC, and probably before.

Once again, I’d been used as a convenient bed-warmer, but no more.

At least this time I found out before he’d packed his suitcase. My victory would be getting to be the first one out the door.

I stood up straight, like Daddy had taught me, dried my eyes again, and marched out. I’d clear my things out of his condo and get back to where I belonged every night of the week.

The tears stayed at bay until I’d pulled the car door shut and started the engine.

Then the waterworks began.

Why me?

* * *

A short drive later,I strode into Josh’s castle in the sky for the last time.

“You’re home early,” Serena greeted me cheerfully.

“Yeah.” I proceeded to the room Josh and I had shared.

The bed that had been so wonderful this morning now reminded me of what a fool I’d been to fall for the wrong guyagain.

I sure could pick ’em.

Have me think he’s the one for me—check.

Convince me he thinks I’m the one for him—check.

Not be honest about his plans for the future—check.

Ready to leave me here and move on—check.

Not willing to tell me until he’s on the way out—check.

I pulled my two suitcases from the closet and started filling them. Folding was a luxury I didn’t bother with. This would be quick, because I hadn’t brought much over. I only spent weeknights here.

After throwing my bathroom items into a plastic trash bag, I clicked the suitcases closed and hefted them off the bed to the floor.

Serena caught me before I made it ten feet out of the bedroom. “Where are you going?”

I didn’t deny the obvious. “I’m done. Josh and I are done. I’m going home where I belong.”

She looked at me like I’d grown a second head. “Say what?”

“We’re done.” Those two words pretty well summed it up. Our relationship had been a roman candle that burned hot and bright, but quickly went out.

“Did you two fight?” Duke asked, coming up behind Serena.

That didn’t describe it. “No. But it won’t work for me.”

“Did you try to talk it out?” Serena asked.

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