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She was shorter than me, and I’d always pictured big men in suits with short hair wearing dark glasses as the Secret Service type, not her.

“Ex, now.”

“Why’d you give it up?”

“It was getting old. This pays better, and the protectees are more appreciative…generally,” she added with a sly smile.

Ouch. “Sorry,” I said. “It’s not you. I just don’t think I need—”

“I get it, Miss Rossi.”

“Let’s make it Nicole, please.”

“Okay, Nicole. Would you like my professional opinion?”

“Sure.” The question was a loaded one, and it sounded like I was going to get the answer regardless of what I said.

“When someone dies in your backyard because lightning struck them, you don’t need me. When you get threatening notes and someone is murdered on your property for a reason you don’t understand, that’s when you should be careful. A crazy ex is one thing. You can relax if you know he’s not around. But an unknown assailant with an unknown motive? That smells like danger to me.”

After that explanation, I’d sound crazy to not want her around. “Thanks. I’d love to have your help.”

She turned off the freeway toward Casa di Rossi.

“After we get home, how does this work?” I asked.

“Most of the time I just hang around and try not to get in your way.”

“What about at work?”

“Mr. Benson didn’t think you were in danger there. He specified the house and the neighborhood, but we can expand the assignment, if you’d like.”

Bringing personal guards into Rossi’s was the last thing I wanted to do. How would that look to the rest of the people in the building? “No. Let’s not include work. That’s better for me.”

We stopped at a light, and she looked over. “Nicole, I’m only here to keep you safe, not to interfere in your life. I won’t say much, but if I do, follow my instructions exactly.”

I sucked in a breath, sensing her seriousness. “Thank you. Sorry I was…” I searched for a nicer word, but settled for the crass one. “Bitchy before.”

“You were just being honest, and I appreciate that. Sometimes that can be in short supply in this town.”

I smiled. “Have you worked for Josh before?”

Constance shook her head as we turned onto Orangebranch. “No. Met him a few times at Habitat weekends though. Nice guy, but then all the Bensons are, if you ask me.”


She pulled to a stop. “Yeah. Habitat for Humanity, volunteers building houses for low-income families. One of my coworkers, Winston, goes regularly with the Bensons, and I’ve joined him twice. A hard day’s work, but fulfilling, if you know what I mean.”

I climbed down from the SUV with a new set of questions for Josh. What was a bazillionaire like him doing at a Habitat for Humanity construction site? And she’d said Bensons, which had to mean more than just Josh.

He didn’t know it, but my man had surprised me once again. How big could his heart be?

I unlocked the door to Casa di Rossi.

Constance stopped me just inside and latched the deadbolt behind us. “Stay right here while I clear the house.” She drew a gun.

I felt useless standing by the front door of my own house while my bodyguard scurried from room to room. When she went up the staircase, I’d had enough and walked to the kitchen. After pulling a bottled water from the fridge, I took a long swallow. Echo’s food dish sat empty in the corner. I’d have to pick him up tomorrow from the kennel.

“Nicole?” Constance yelled.

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