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“No. That’s my husband’s job.”

I laughed. “Sorry. I didn’t mean…” I wasn’t sure how to finish the sentence. She’d taken her turn to deescalate the argument, and shame me at the same time. I’d always treated her like one of the guys, and here she was giving it back to me like in one of our sexual harassment lectures.

She punched my shoulder, guy style. “I know. I’m messing with you.”

I blew out a relieved breath. Being shitfaced was no excuse for fucking up—no, make thatscrewingup our partnership.

She walked with me, and we made the turn down my street.

“Why the escort?” I asked.

“You need to level with me and tell me what’s wrong.”

“Says who?”

She grabbed my arm and jerked me to a stop. “Your fucking partner is who.”

“I thought we agreed I wasn’t fucking you.”

Even in the dim light, her glare was unmistakable. “Quit the word games and talk.”

I didn’t see any other way to get rid of her. “Kelly called it quits.” I started walking again.


“Fuck if I know.”

“Sorry, I didn’t know.” She was quiet for a block. “So what’s the plan? When do you go talk to her and figure out what you fucked up?”

“Who says I fucked up?”

“It’s obvious you’re not upset at something she did, so it had to be you.”

We reached my place, and I stopped. “No plan.”

“It’s up to you to fix it.”

I moved to my door and turned the key. “Thanks for the pep talk.”

She backed up. “Maybe Dempsey’s right about you after all. You can’t handle anything tough.”

I went in and closed the door behind me.

Chapter 42


On Tuesday morning,my head pounded as I trudged up the stairs to our lookout across the street from the human trafficking house. Three knocks before opening the door were meant to make sure I didn’t get shot for startling the agent I was replacing. “Hey, Doug. Anything new?”

He rose from the chair he’d pulled to the window. “Not a damned thing. I think it’s way past time somebody double-checked the intel on this place.”

“Take it up with Dempsey.”

He shook his head as he stretched. “Right.”

We both knew that wouldn’t go anywhere.

“Want me to get you anything?” Doug asked from the door.

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