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The engine surprised me by starting right up. The windshield wipers were another matter. They squeaked and pushed the haze around without making the view any clearer.

He pulled into traffic, and before long we turned onto Massachusetts Avenue.

The light turned yellow, and Adam stopped behind an Audi.

I didn’t hear a screech, but I definitely felt the collision as we were hit from behind and pushed into the car in front of us.

“Fucking asshole,” Adam yelled.

I stayed in the car while Adam jumped out to berate the idiot behind us.

Steam rose from the hood of Adam’s car—not a good sign.

Adam yelled at the lady behind us, and was joined by the driver of the Audi.

A few seconds later, Adam was at the door. “Get out. The gas tank is leaking.”

With visions of becoming chargrilled in an explosion, I raced out my side of the car and sloshed through the deep water at the curb to reach the safety of the sidewalk.

With no umbrella, and no bus stop, storefront, or other shelter, I was soaked to the bone in minutes.

I shivered on the cement while a cop car with flashing lights parked behind the mess and got involved in the drivers’ verbal altercation.

After what seemed like an eternity in the rain—but was probably only ten minutes—Adam stomped over to me. He was on the phone telling someone where we were. “That’s right. It needs a tow, and I need another vehicle delivered for tomorrow… No, we’ll get ourselves out of here.”

I shivered. “What’s the deal?”

“The fucking deal is—” He pointed to the lady who’d started the chain reaction. “That lady needs to have her fucking driver’s license revoked.” On the zero-to-ten anger scale, he was nearing an eleven right now.

I shifted side to side, trying to warm up.

“You’re cold,” he said, finally noticing. “Let’s go.” His volcano of anger had probably kept him warm.

“Don’t you have to stay for the tow truck?”

“It’s handled.” He tried to flag down the next several taxis, but they all had fares.

The phone in my hand rang. It was Yolanda.

“We’ve been robbed,” she sobbed. “They broke in. The house is a mess.”

“Robbed?” I asked. The news made me even colder than I was.

That got Adam’s attention, and he came close. “What happened?”

Yolanda was going a mile a minute. “The cops are here. Please come home. I don’t know what to do.”

“We’re on the way,” I assured her. “Be there as soon as we can.” I got off the line.

* * *


“What happened?”I asked Kelly as she hung up.

She was shivering uncontrollably now. “Yolanda said someone broke into my house.”

“Stay right here.”

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