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She stretched up and kissed my neck. “Me too.”

I pulled her in tighter for a few steps and took a chance. “We should do this again.”

Everything about her intrigued me. It wasn’t just her surprising ability at work to see things from a different perspective, but also her simple grace with the people at the table.

She was a complete package of looks, brains, and class, with modesty to match, plus an extra helping of sass.

As we danced, I was certain of one thing. I had my arms around a woman I didn’t want to let go of.

The song stopped and another started, and another followed that. Each song was a suitable slow dance for us, or a waltz for the few couples feeling more formal about their dancing.

Dad wasn’t a fan of anything that engendered fast dancing at his gala event. He didn’t think it was dignified, and tonight, with Jennifer in my arms, I agreed wholeheartedly.

Nothing that put distance between us was getting my vote, especially with the condition in my pants.

As the music went on, she melted more comfortably against me, if that was possible.

She had to notice my stiff cock pressing against her with every step, but she didn’t push away, and she didn’t show any alarm. If anything, her steps seemed intended to rub against me, or perhaps it was my imagination, or just the height difference.

The latest song ended and she pulled back, nodding toward a door leading to the courtyard. “Want to go cool off for a bit?”

I released her. “Sure.” Backing away, I shoved a hand in my pocket to hide the bulge in my pants as I led her toward the courtyard at the center of the building.

It was chilly outside, and she wrapped an arm around me.

I reciprocated and pulled her around the back of the fountain where we would be shielded from those in the room we’d just left. Literal dancing had been fine, but I was done dancing around what was or wasn’t between us. Stopping on the far side, I turned her toward me.

She let out the slightest gasp as I took her face in my hands and moved my head to within inches of hers. The light coming up from the water played on her face, a face that held not concern, but a question.

I hoped my question was the same. “Jenn, did I tell you how lovely you look tonight?’

“Four times.”

She’d counted.

“I want…” The words halted as I searched for the right ones.

She wrapped a hand behind my neck, lifting up and closing the distance between us. Her lips did the talking as she took mine, and we resumed where we had left off in my office.

Arms intertwined, hands roamed, and the taste and feel of her mouth and tongue against mine was what I’d craved for days. We were on the same wavelength. I wanted her, and she wanted me.

She broke the kiss and put her hand on my chest. “What did you want to ask?” she said breathlessly.

It took me a second to organize my words, lest I tell her straight out I wanted to fuck her senseless tonight. “I want to take you on a date.”

She giggled. “I think this qualifies.”

“Then another date, just the two of us.”

Her smile widened, transmitting her answer. “I’d like that.” She lifted up to meet my lips again.

As we re-engaged our lip lock, her hand squeezed my butt, sending a clear signal of where this was heading later.

My fingers made their way to the slit in her dress and slid up her thigh, looking for the answer to the question that had haunted me since first seeing this dress.Was she or wasn’t she?

The loud clack of heels on the cement and the yell came from behind her.

“Get the hell away from him, you slut.” It was the unmistakable shriek of an angry Melissa.

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