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“You know I’m going to find out.”

I shrugged and walked her to the door. “By the way, who are you seeing right now? I want to let Dad know who to start a background check on.”

Her scowl told me my question had hit the mark. She could dish it out, but she couldn’t take it.

“Don’t try that on me. You’re just deflecting.”

“So you are seeing somebody. I picked up a week-long trip for two to Hawaii at the fundraiser. It’s yours if you tell me his name.”

“We were talking about you.” She turned to leave.

My question had gotten to her, and we both knew it. Tonight we would call it a draw.

I walked her to her car, held open the door, and got a quick hug.

She stood back and held my hand. “All joking aside, I’m here when you need an ear.”

I tried to keep my expression neutral. “Thanks, but there’s nothing to talk about.”

Her smile and the tilt of her head told me I hadn’t gotten neutral quite right. “When you’re ready.” She settled in to the seat. “I’ll see you Thursday at six.”

I nodded. “Six works.” I closed the car door for her.

After seeing her off, I went back in to tend to the dishes.

“When you’re ready,” she’d said. I didn’t know when that would be.

* * *


After the message this morning,it was clear I had to confess what I’d done to Dennis, and it couldn’t wait until Friday.

I’d gotten Subway for lunch and driven to the parking lot at Target to practice my speech. All afternoon I was a wreck, and I clearly couldn’t put this off any longer.

After Dennis had been gone from the office for an hour, I finally got up the courage. Leaving the garage, I turned my car toward his house—the one he called the “big house.” There was no turning back now.

When I reached Dennis’s street, there was another car in his driveway, a pricey one. Someone else was visiting. I drove to the end of the cul-de-sac, turned around, and stopped two houses short of his across the street.

My legs shook as I turned off the motor. “I need to tell you something,” I said out loud in the empty car. “I’m the mole.”

My throat clenched. I’d thought this would be easier. I’d put it off, convincing myself that the more he got to know me, the less important it would seem. The shaking of my legs said otherwise.

His door opened, and he came out, walking a woman to the strange car.

She faced away from me. I couldn’t recognize her from this distance. It was just someone visiting him. What was the big deal?

He held the door for her the way he did for me. He hugged her the way he did me. The instant pang of jealousy stabbed me in the heart, though I urged myself to calm down, get all the facts.

I rolled down my window but couldn’t make out their words from this distance. The warm smile on his face, though, was one I knew well, and I’d thought it was reserved for me. Perhaps I was less special than I’d thought.

She backed out in her expensive car.

I hadn’t expected this to be an easy conversation, but now I definitely wasn’t ready. Seeing this other woman had scrambled my brain.

After her taillights disappeared around the corner, I started my shit bucket to leave. I was making comparisons? How pathetic. I pulled forward, and when I reached his house, I thought about turning in to his driveway, but chickened out. Barely able to breathe, I pulled over down the street.

I couldn’t leave. I had to do this, but I couldn’t do it. I was a complete mess.

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