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Life couldn’t get any better.

I still had to find a way to talk to Dennis about what I’d done, but that seemed so long ago now, and it could wait. Maybe next month I’d find the right words.

In a flash, I realized I might be able to have both. I couldn’t defeat Cartwright for Dennis the way Sandra had saved the day, but I might be able to do something nobody else could. I might be able to unmask Hydra. That would make the talk easier, wouldn’t it?

Chapter 33


Monday morningI trudged up the stairs in our apartment building. Going latex free had meant even moreexerciseand less sleep than before.

Sleeping at my place during the week meant I could catch up. The weekdays were for helping Ramona with Billy, but starting Friday night, Dennis and I could escape again to his beach house.

So far nobody at work had figured it out, that I could tell.

We’d fallen into a routine the last three weeks. No PDA, no lunches or dinners together—except for the occasional lunch meeting in a conference room with others present—and absolutely no mean boss.

He’d offered to have me join him at Saint Helena’s again last week, but Cindy had invited me to lunch that day, so I declined.

It had been three weeks since Ed had tried to torpedo me with the accusation about the Suzanne meeting, or maybe he’d even set it up. Luckily he hadn’t tried anything since, and I probably had Dennis to thank for that.

The one time I’d asked Dennis about it, I’d gotten nothing but a grunt.

Dennis had crazy Melissa, and I had vindictive Ed. But, now that Ed’s texting had stopped, we might be down to only one ex who was a problem.

Larry had said he thought crazy Melissa was an act, but if so, she’d perfected it. I couldn’t help but think about what she might be capable of, even though she hadn’t shown her face in weeks.

Every time I’d thought I was ready to broach the subject of what I’d done with Dennis, I chickened out. I convinced myself I didn’t have the right words, or the setting was wrong, or we didn’t have enough time, or a million other reasons to put off the inevitable.

Procrastination, thy name is Jennifer.

My latest excuse was that I would track down Hydra first, and I had a plan for that, but I needed Ramona’s help.

After briefly fumbling for my keys in the hallway, I opened the door.

Billy and Ramona were eating breakfast.

Ramona looked up, with excitement on her face. “Come take a look.”

I put my heavy purse down. “What is it?”

She waved me over. “We got accepted for that place on Annapurna Drive.”

Billy held up Ramona’s phone. “And I get my own room.” Billy swiped to a picture of a bedroom when I made it to the table. “This one is mine.”

The pictures were nice. The unit was clearly larger than this place.

“Which one is mine?” I asked.

Billy looked to his mother, who answered my question. “Your choice, of course.”

“I think she should get the big one,” Billy suggested.

His mother had a better idea. “Maybe she should get the smaller one, if she’s going to be gone all the time.”

I didn’t have the energy for this right now. “Maybe so.” In the end I knew Ramona would insist that I take the bigger one. She always had. “Well, I’m sure it’s great.”

“Wanna see the pool?” Billy asked.

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