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“Growing up my name was Denny. I made them stop when I was about your age. I’ve been Dennis ever since.”

Billy thought for a second before taking a bite of his hot dog.

I finished ing the fry I’d snagged. “People used to call me Jenny.”

Billy finished chewing and ignored my comment to ask Dennis, “And nobody calls you Denny anymore?”

“I only let one person call me that.”

I choked on my drink, realizing who that was.

Dennis patted my back. “Are you okay, Angel?”

“Yeah.” I coughed. “The fizz just tickled my throat.”

“Just one person?” Billy asked.

“Just one.”

Billy attacked his hot dog again before asking. “Why?”

“She’s very special.”

The room suddenly seemed ten degrees warmer.

* * *

At the endof the day, when it was time to drive Billy back home, it felt silly to be taking two cars, but I didn’t have the heart to deny Billy another ride in the Jaguar. And in the back of my mind, I doubted I would have won the argument with Dennis anyway.

With my nephew around, I’d had to be on my best behavior with Dennis all day. We’d held hands, walked the pier with his arm around me, laughed together, and even snuck a kiss when Billy was in the bathroom. But that was all. Being close to Dennis all day, yet having to keep my distance had made Jennifer an anxious girl—anxious to be alone with her man after the enforced separateness I’d insisted on at work, and now in front of my nephew.

The drive also gave me time to reflect on what I’d learned. In a few short hours I’d seen Billy develop more than I’d expected. Dennis had a way with my nephew that neither Ramona nor I could replicate, and it was more than Dennis’s imposing physical stature. Billy had instantly looked to him for guidance and accepted it.

Dennis hadn’t needed to offer Billy anything more than a play outlet or babysitting today, but he’d had gone out of his way to fill the male-role-model void in my nephew’s life. We’d even had lessons on manners that went better than I’d expected.

* * *

Ramona turnedas we walked in. “Did you have a good time, Billy?”

My nephew didn’t waste any time. “I want to be Bill.”

“What does that mean?”

“My name is Bill.”

“Of course, but you’ll always be my little Billy.”

“No, I’m Bill.” He caught Dennis’s disapproving glare and quickly corrected himself. “Please.”

Ramona took in a breath. “Well then, Bill, want a soda?”

“Can I have milk?”

Ramona’s mouth dropped. “Milk?”

“Yes.” A second later he added. “Please.”

Ramona’s eyes popped as she looked to me for confirmation.

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