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“When did they start buying?” I asked.

Jay turned the page. “About a month before that. Almost all on the day of the prior article from our good friend Sigurd.”

I slammed my hand on the desk. “Are they coordinating with that asshole?”

Larry cocked his head. “Wouldn’t surprise me.”

Jay was more cautious. “We don’t know that. Cartwright has a reputation for buying on dips. It could be coincidence because those were the weak days for the stock.”

Weak didn’t begin to describe it. They were blood-letting days, painful days.

Larry faced Jay. “And what are the odds that they buy on the absolute lowest days of the year?”

Jay’s eyes narrowed. “I didn’t say it proves anything either way. Until we know who Sigurd is, we don’t know anything for sure.”

It was a true enough statement, but it ignored the odds.

Larry wasn’t giving in. “I say Sigurd works for Cartwright.”

“Fine,” Jay agreed. “Now all you have to do is prove it.”

I had another worry. “What does it say about intentions?”

The SEC required filers to be frank about their intentions for holding a major stock position.

Jay turned another page. “I’ll read it for you. Due to the incompetent marketing efforts of the company recently, the filer will be…”

Larry’s eyes bulged.

Jay continued. “Working with management to locate better talent—”

Larry lunged for Jay’s folder. “It doesn’t say that.”

Jay held the papers out of Larry’s reach and continued. “Better talent with which to staff the marketing function of the company.”

I laughed.

“That’s not funny,” Larry complained.

Jay joined my laugh. “Sure it is.”

I pointed a finger at Jay. “Enough of that. What does it really say?”

Jay had trouble controlling his laughter. “It…it says the position is for financial gain while they engage in discussions with the company’s management and evaluate the company’s status.”

Larry shook his head. “That doesn’t mean squat.”

“Exactly,” Jay concurred. “It’s a place holder that they can and will change later to say they want changes from us and they’re going to challenge the board, or whatever their tactic becomes.”

I raised a finger. “It says one more thing. We can expect a visit from them.”

“Should we prepare anything?” Larry asked. “Or call them?”

I shook my head. “No way. We give them nothing. We shouldn’t make any assumptions about what they want, and certainly none about what we’re going to give them, if anything. And, if fucking Cartwright wants to talk, it’ll be on my schedule, not his.”

Jay tilted his head. “I don’t know. I wouldn’t antagonize him, if I were you.”

I shot back. “Bullshit. Being nice to him wouldn’t change a thing. He’s a thug and a bully. What he deserves is a swift kick in the nuts.”

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