Page 88 of Sins

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Knox clapped. “Let’s go have some fun!”

I woke the next morning,still inside my naked wife. Even as I thought the word, it sounded crazy. I tested it again by saying it out loud. “Hey, wife,” I whispered and slid my hand down her bare skin and laced our fingers so our rings were together.

Knox was right. The idea that I would be married with a child on the way was never something I could have envisioned for myself. And now, there was nothing I wanted more. I loved the way my tattoos looked against her blank canvas. I slid my hand back and around her stomach, giving the baby a little love, too. After last night’s events, I bet the little guy was dizzy. “Sorry about that.” I chuckled. “But nothing can tame me when I’m with your momma.” I pressed against Kenna.

“Unless you have waffles with a side of pancakes, you can keep any dirty thoughts at bay.” But she still wiggled her butt against me.

“Nice to see you have your appetite back.”

“Can you blame me? I burned a lot of calories keeping up with you last night.”

I moaned as I let the memories flood my mind, but the sound of my alarm shut the memories down fast. “Christ.” I pressed my face against her back. “I’ll order some food, but I’ve got a business meeting with Yen Hong.”

“I’ll be here, playing hostess to our baby. Say hi to him for me.”

I rolled her over and straddled her slim body. “Don’t leave?—”

“Unless I know.” She finished off my line with a chuckle, and I glared at her. I reached over her head and pulled down a bar with a chain attached to each side. “Oh, hello, something new.” She admired it, and I rolled my eyes, as that wasn’t exactly thereaction I was looking for. “You can come out and play with me any time you want.” She wiggled her brow and poked the chain.

“All right, never mind.” I pushed the bar back into position, and as I rolled off her, she turned to look at the headboard.

“It’s like a sex wall.” She giggled and felt around. “He’s leaving soon, then it’s just me and you.” She jumped when I swatted her ass.

“We’ll explore later.” I headed for the shower.

My meeting with Yen Hong went well. He wanted to invest in Secrets and open his clothing line with an exclusive store just off the lobby. I was more than thrilled to sign him on, mostly because it was something Kenna could sink her teeth into. It helped I knew he was a good friend to her. This was just one of the many avenues I hoped to bring to Kenna. She had a lot of skills we could tap into, and I knew the store idea would excite her.

“Mr. Gates, Mr. Capri.” Salazar found me with Elio at the casino later that evening. “How are you gentlemen this evening?”

“Well, thanks.” I pointed to an open seat. “Please join us. Would you like something to drink?”

“If you don’t mind.”

“Please.” Elio waved for him to join us. “How has your day been?”

Salazar rubbed his chin as if something was on his mind. “I was very much enjoying a game of golf, but when I came in to get some lunch, I witnessed something that bothered me.” He began to pull out his phone.

“Oh?” As I waited for him to continue, my mind suddenly flew to Kenna. I wondered if she had listened to my warning not to go out without letting me know. Perhaps shehadventured out and was looking for me to get her back in line. Wishful thinking on my part, perhaps.

“If you don’t mind me saying, I know a lot has happened to your family lately, and you have enough on your plate, but that makes me feel even more obligated to share this with you.” He handed me his phone. “Please humor me and scroll through to the right.”

My mind boiled over as I studied the photos. I saw Sonny with members from one of my kitchen crews at Secrets.

“When my company decided to hire Cameron Tame as our lawyer, we did a thorough background check on him. It took a deep dive to discover he wasn’t completely clean, but then who is?” He shrugged. “It’s no secret I dabble in the darker side of business at times. I’m sure you will agree it’s how things get done.”

“Agreed,” Elio purred, and Salazar gave him a slight nod. Elio’s reputation and family ties were hardly a secret. His family name was respected by some but feared by many in Italy, the USA, and around the world.

“What I didn’t find out until recently was that Cameron was entangled with an organization called the Potens.” I felt Elio shift slightly in his seat. “From there, I dug more and discovered these men.” He reached for his phone and showed me another photo of three more men. I recognized them as part of the security team that ran the poker chip supply here at Indulge. “They had interactions with Cameron on more than one occasion, including,” he tilted his head to one side, “the Fourth of July, 2018.” I raised a brow at him and licked the inside of my mouth. That date. It was the one and only breach we had at the hotel. Though these three had never been connected with any of it, until now…

I rubbed my hands over my thighs in a poor attempt to calm my temper. “And you discovered this how?”

“Because that was the same weekend Cameron met with my business associate, who just so happened to be staying here,” hewaved around the room, “and when I met Cameron for the first time.”

“I see.”

Elio tapped his ring on the table. “I’m sure you’ve met many men in your career. Why is it that these three men stand out to you?”

He turned to face Elio straight on, which I admired. “Valid question. I think it’s fair to say Sonny attracts a certain kind of person. On several occasions, I’ve seen these men walking into Cameron’s office as I was leaving. They’re not friendly and seemed to enjoy trying to intimidate me.” He sighed and shook his head like they were pathetic for doing so. “Frankly, it was strange. They don’t seem to be the kind of men who can afford a lawyer such as Cameron Tame. So why were they there?”

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