Page 70 of Sins

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“You may not be a Poten, Simon, but let’s not forget they gave you your freedom.”

“Only in exchange for my help because we have a mutual enemy,” I reminded him.

He groaned and cursed. “Just get me alone with her for ten minutes. It’s all it’ll take.” He gave a nasty laugh. My face scrunched up at the thought of Sonny Conti touching Kenna in that way. Then I remembered something I heard in prison that turned men off before they attacked.

I knew I shouldn’t, but Sonny needed a wakeup call that he was playing with someone good, not just one of his fuck buddies, as he called them. “Kenna’s pregnant.”

Sonny’s unexpected laugh caught me off guard. It was so loud I had to pull the phone away from my ear. “Tell me it’s Grim’s.”

“It is, so no. There’s no way I’ll help you get near her. Besides, even if I was to stoop to your level, if Grim found out, I’m as good as dead.”

“You’re such a pussy.” He laughed harder, and I cursed under my breath. “But thanks for the heads up. Fucking with her now will be that much sweeter.” The line went dead, and I closed my eyes and wished I had never answered the call.


“Simon?” Jim Gates stood in the doorway, and I almost felt my stomach bottom out of my ass. He never came down this way now that Cameron was gone. “May I come in?”

“Of course.” I shot up and pulled out a chair, but he politely waved me off. “What can I do for you, sir?”

He looked around the office. “It’s strange to think someone you knew and trusted for nearly a decade could be so deceitful. Maybe I saw it, maybe I didn’t, or maybe I didn’t want to.” He picked up a few items that were left on Cameron’s desk. “I think that question will haunt me for all my remaining years.”

“Mine too, sir,” I whispered, and he nodded as he continued to look around.

“Who were you just speaking to?” My face burned with heat as he eased onto the desk and stared straight at me. I went with the truth.

“Sonny Conti.”

He licked his teeth, and his face hardened. He looked a lot like Grim. They had the same stare that could make your insides twist. “And what did Mr. Conti have to say?”

“He’s trying to get into the hotel.”

“To Kenna?”

“Yes. I told him she’s pregnant. I hoped he would leave her alone.”

His brows pinched together. “And how do you know Kenna’s pregnant?”

I smiled and shrugged. “People talk. I was in the elevator with you and Mrs. Gates and your security team. I didn’t mean to overhear, but it was kind of hard not to.”

“I see.”

I smiled. “Happens all the time. I guess I’m not a noticeable person.”

“And how did Sonny react when you told him this?”

“He just seemed amused. Sonny’s got a beef with Grim, and since Grim and Kenna are together…” I opened my hands and shrugged again. “He’s not to be trusted.”

He mulled that over, and I left him to his thoughts, not wanting to break his concentration. The clock on the bookshelf ticked loudly, and I wondered what had made him come downto Cameron’s office. Was he there for me, or was he there to look for something in Cameron’s office?

“Speaking of trust, I don’t have a reason to trust or not trust you,” he finally said, “but I could use your help in getting the new lawyers settled with our accounts. Maybe in that time, you could find another job, and to that end…” He reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a business card. He scribbled something on the back of it then handed it to me. “I have a friend who needs a PI. He’s in Georgia, but I think you might be happy with the pay and even the change of scenery. I’ve mentioned your name.”

“Thank you.” I took the card. “That’s kind of you.”

Jim stood and tucked a hand in his pocket then walked toward the open door.

“Sir,” I called, and he turned around. “I understand the hesitation to trust me, given how close Cameron and I must have seemed, but if it counts for anything, I will never allow anyone to hurt Kenna. She’s one of the good ones.”

He pressed his lips together and let out a long breath. “It counts.” He looked at me. “And I agree, she is.”

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