Page 17 of Havoc

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“Struggling.” I shrugged. “She shared with me some of what really happened.”


“Someone’s blackmailing her into spying on my family and yours.” I gave Trigger a wry look as he absorbed that information.

“Huh.” He stroked his chin, deep in thought.

“It explains why she’s been avoiding everyone. Even skipped a mandatory meeting.”

“Do you trust her?” His question caught me off guard.

“Do you?”

“I don’t judge based on havin’ a shit father.” Trigger still carried his heavy past. “When Minnie brought her around, I was skeptical, so I tested her, and she’s loyal as hell to us. Morgan and her are tight. He’s a good judge of people.”

“Agreed.” I thought about how scared she was last night. She even risked the dogs to talk to me.

“You never answered my question.”

“I know,” I huffed then shook my head and went with the truth. “I do trust her.”

“Good.” He seemed pleased by that. “The fuck are they blackmailing her with?”

“Minnie knows.” I shrugged. “Whatever the fuck it is, she won’t share it with anyone else.”

“We could take her to my slaughter room.” Trigger chuckled, and I joined in.

“Tempting.” I rubbed my head. “How bad could it be? Can’t be half as bad as the shit we’ve done.”

“My favorite was Tampa two years ago.” Trigger smirked.

“It’s amazing how quickly someone can swim when they’re floating with chum in shark infested water.”

“I was referrin’ to when we drag raced the owners of that night club on the Formula One track.”

“Bodies and asphalt are a delightful combo. Those were some good times.” I laughed.

“Fuckin’ right. So,” Trigger leaned back, and his cut flexed against the chair, “we got two shit situations on our hands. What to do?” I looked pointedly at my mug.

“Switch to whiskey?” We both grinned.

Later that afternoon, after Trigger left and Jesse arrived with some of my security, I got a bit of paperwork out of the way. I liked the quiet of my new office and was glad it was almost finished. While I sifted through some emails, one caught my eye. It was from one of my contacts in Mexico. Jerry Cano was a mafia drug lord in Rosarito. I stayed with him from time to time, posing as his daughter Talya’s boyfriend. We had a good thing going, Talya and I. We even had Martin Castillo fooled. Jerry was the one who asked me to do him the favor of killing Castillo. I clicked on the email and scanned it.


Since you left without notice, things haven’t gone to plan. I understand and respect why you had to leave, but I need you back to help us continue our original plan. – Jerry.

I cursed and quickly called him. On the second ring, he answered, and I could already feel the tension in his voice.

“I guess you got my email?”

“I did.”

“Things are bad, Grim.” He paused, and I heard a door click shut on his end. “We weren’t able to step into Castillo’s position and merge our businesses. Someone was ready for it, and now we’re at war for territory. There’s a new player.”


“I’m not sure yet, but I thought you might be interested in who the middleman is.”

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