Page 115 of Havoc

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“One Gates down, four to go.” The man snickered and drew my attention back to him. My eyes clouded as a loud, ear-piercing ring filled my head.

“Jesse,” I called again. My voice was laced with a menacing darkness, and the mood in the room changed as I slowly let the reaper in.

A door slid open, and a sixteen-hundred-pound Nile crocodile wove his way into the room. He looked exceptionally pissed off and swung his head left then right as it looked around for its next meal. His handler and team provided a safe barrier for me and the others.

The croc suddenly set his unblinking reptilian stare on the bloody man who stood in three feet of water.

“Fuck me,” Rail said gleefully. “It’s like Christmas and a Sunday picnic all rolled into one.”

“How could you know?” The man’s suddenly terrified expression latched on to mine. There was obviously something I wasn’t getting, and it made me wonder. “That’s impossible!”

I kept my expression unfazed as I tried to read his mind. I glanced at Jesse and caught the same interest in his face as he gave me a quick glance.

“I’ll ask you one more time.” I kept my tone even. “Who hired you to go after my dogs?”

He eyed the croc as it sank under the water and licked his lips, then he looked at me as if weighing his options.

“Ah…” The handler looked unsure. I knew he wondered if he should step in and stop the kill. “It’s a matter of seconds now, Mr. Gates.”

I opened my arms as if to sayyou have seconds left to live.

“It’s poetic, really,” his battered face nodded, “to be killed by one of our own.” The croc lunged and snapped his jaws around his hips and rolled with him under the water. The huge jaws tore his body apart as he violently shook him like a toy. The water turned red as he slammed his body hard and his torso was severed from his legs.

A sense of unease dampened my enjoyment as I watched the man being ripped limb from limb by those incredible jaws. What had he meant?


“On it, boss.”

I knew Jesse would already be on the new information, and as he left, Elio and Trigger approached.

“Fucking first.” Trigger flipped his long forelock back with a swipe of his hand.

“Impressive,” Elio agreed. We all watched as the croc finished up. His handler waved his men off to let the reptilian beast finish his meal.

“Shall we meet later to discuss this rather interesting new information?” Elio looked at me then at Trigger.

“Give me a little time,” I needed time to process, “then I’d appreciate the help.”

Instead of bringing me a little peace, I felt wound up and worse off than before. I didn’t look back as I left and headed for my place. By sunup, there wouldn’t be a trace of what had taken place with the croc. The man who had hurt my boys and killed Darcy had been erased from this Earth, and the croc would go back to his tank until his special skills were needed again. I should feel a lot better, but the words he’d spoken with such acceptance replayed in my head.

I burst through the doors of my suite to find the living room empty. She better not have fucking left! The bedroom was empty, but Leal lay resting on his bed with Zhar not far from him. They both looked up at me but stayed where they were. I could smell her perfume and knew she’d been there.

“Where is she, boy?” I gave Leal’s head a pat. He yawned and let his head flop back down. Zhar’s ears perked up and twitched to let me know he wanted attention, too.

“You’re back.” She stepped out of the bathroom, and I made a show to drop my gaze slowly down her front. She was still in her pink dress, and it showed off her breasts perfectly. “How was your meeting?” She made a nod toward my battered hand. “Successful?”

I ditched my jacket and undid the first few buttons on my dress shirt.

“Yes, but not rewarding.” I watched her slowly make her way to the door. “Where are you going?”

She patted Zhar’s head. Clearly, they’d made some progress while I was gone. Then she leaned down and patted Leal after he let out a pathetic whimper. “I’m going home.”


“Yes.” She didn’t miss a beat and slipped out into the hallway. I followed her.


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