Page 27 of Monster's Madness

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“Consolations, eh?”

“No!” Jasmine exclaimed. “Mikaela, tell me you didn’t break Elliot’s heart!”

I rolled my eyes. “Seriously? He doesn’t know me well enough to have his heart broken. We haven’t even known each other a full day.”

Jasmine let out a huff. “Well, it’s been a very eventful day.”

I grinned. “I suppose it has at that. Don’t worry. I’ll see him tomorrow in Extreme Sports Ed.”

“Wait. What?” Jasmine exclaimed. “When did you sign up for that class? You’re the least athleticperson I know!”

I groaned. “Ididn’tsign up for it. It just appeared on my schedule this afternoon, probably as punishment for that disastrous Dragon Riding class.”

“You’re kidding, right?” Kasi asked. “If they’re now handing out extra classes as punishment, the entire student body’s going to revolt within a month.”

“Or less,” Jasmine said.

“I have a feeling it’s a special punishment, just for me,” I said morosely. “It’s not my fault my leopard never manifested before now or that I have no control over Miki-Leopard. But all the professors are acting like I should have perfect control already.”

“I don’t think it’s about punishment,” Kasi said slowly.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“They have to know, just like we do,that you’re a potential target, that when Zowen comes back, he may try to take you again.”

“Ohhh,” Jasmine said. “So they’re trying to get her ready?”

“That’s my best guess,” Kasi said. “I bet they’re riding you so hard, Mikaela, because they’re worried and they want you to be able to use every tool at your disposal, including your leopard, to defend yourself against him.”

“Shit,” I sighed. “That actually makes sense. Now I can’t exactly be mad at them, can I? Not when they’re doing it to help me.”

“Well, they don’t have to be jerks about it,” Jasmine said. “They could have justtoldyou why they were assigning extra classes.”

I grinned. “Right.So we’re back to being mad at them. I can live with that.”

“When are you taking Extreme Sports again?” Kasi asked suddenly.

“Tomorrow morning. Why?”

“I was just thinking Jahrdran has Extreme Sports tomorrow. Wait, and didn’t you say Elliot would be there? They’re both fourth years. Why are you taking the course with them?”

“Apparently,there’s a multi-year section and I was just lucky enough to be placed in it. Yay me.”

“Well, that just lends even more support to your theory, Kasi,” Jasmine said.

“Why’s that?”

“No one in their right mind would put Mikaela, the least athletic person I know, in an extreme sports class with Fourth Years. They should have put her in withthe First Years.”

“Thanks, Jasmine,” I muttered.

“You know it’s true,” she said. “Which is why Kasi’s theory makes sense. They put you with the Fourth Years so that you’d be trained with the most experienced.”

“All that’s going to do is make me look more incompetent and more like a potential victim if Zowen happens to be spying from the shadows,” I said sourly.

“Well, at least Elliot will be there,” Jasmine said brightly. “I bet he’ll help you with whatever you need.” She waggled her brows suggestively.

I rolled my eyes.

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