Page 24 of Monster's Madness

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Extreme fire sports.

No, Miki-Leopard. No extreme—Wait. What?

“What?” I repeated out loud. “Did you say Extreme Sports?”

Elliot nodded.

“Absolutely not!” I scrambled in my bag, looking for my schedule. “I’m not—” I finally found it, pulled it out and just stared at the new class now filling my Tuesday and Thursday mornings. “You’re freaking kidding me!” I finally exploded. “I didn’t sign up for this and I swear it wasn’t on my schedule earlier this morning.”

“Headmistress Blackthorn probably heard about what happened in Dragon Riding class.”


“So she added another class to my schedule? She was supposed to let me drop that one!”

Mr. Brecken made a shushing sound from across the library.


Yes, I heard him, Miki-Leopard.I dropped my voice to a shouted whisper, “Whyam I now enrolled in a sports class, especially an extreme one? I’m probably the least athletic person you know.”

“Truthfully? It’s a great way for a shifter to run off excess energy.”

Miki-Leopard run. Miki-Leopard fast.

Well, at leastone of us was.

“It also really helps us get in sync with our inner beast,” Elliot continued. “A lot of the students enrolled in Inner Beast Management are also enrolled in Extreme Sports Ed.”

I groaned. With my luck, that meant freaking Taggart would be in my class.

Elliot leaned over to look at my schedule. “Hey, cheer up. You’re in the multi-year section, which means you’re in my class. Friendly faces and all that.”

Kissy faces better.She sent me another image of the two of us kissing.

Stop that! I can’t think when you?—

She sent another image way more explicit than kissing and the table caught fire.

Elliot and I managed to grab our things before they went up in flames, too, and watched as the table crumbledto ash.

“Seriously?” I hissed. “Not only am I dealing with an out-of-control leopard with pyro tendencies, but now I have to take a bunch of classes I never wanted to take in the first place. First Dragon Riding, now this?”

Bad-Dragon sexy.

I rolled my eyes.

At that moment, Mr. Brecken came around the corner, stumbled to a stop and exclaimed, “What happened to the table?” Seeing the book clutched in my hands, he stormed over and snatched it back. He carefully looked it over, scowling at the scorch marks along the spine, and snapped, “Out. Out of this library right now, before I ban you both for life.”

A few moments later, Elliot and I werestanding outside in the hallway and I was thinking how lucky it was that he’d been with me when the table caught fire because if I’d been alone, Mr. Brecken would have known immediately that I was the one responsible for the burned table and the scorched book. Since I had a dragon with me, though, Mr. Brecken couldn’t be certain which of us had done the deed, which was probably the only thing that had saved me from a lifetime ban.

Then I remembered that I had to go to extreme sports in the morning and realized I was deluding myself about being lucky.

I glared down at the schedule still clutched in my hand. Seriously, if something had to burn, why couldn’t it have been this stupidpiece of paper? Maybe I could pretend ithadburned and that I hadn’t noticed the additional class.

But no. The headmistress probably had a read receipt spell on it, which meant she’d already been notified that I knew about the damn class.

“This is going to be a nightmare.” I began to pace while Elliot just watched me with those sinfully dark eyes. “Bad enough to have to take Extreme Sports at all. But to be thrown in with Year Fours? Students who might have as many as three years more experience in this class than me, not to mention a lifetime more experience managing their inner beasts?”

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