Page 8 of Monster's Reward

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Just some other, unknown monster.

Not a very bright one, of course, since he apparently thought it was a good idea to climb under the bed of a fellow monster.

Shadow hissed again and looked up at me, as if to demand what I was going to do about this interloper.

I smirked. On three. One. Two. Three!

I slammed my boot against the bed frame at the same moment Shadow flung herself beneath it, exploding into multiple shadow-cats that hissed and yowled and swiped with claws.

The entire bed shook as the monster beneath it let out a high-pitched squeal and started flailing about.

At the same time, Mikaela scrambled to her feet with a gasp. “What was that?” She stared down at the bed beneath her as if she could see through the mattress to what lay beneath.

Well, for all I knew, maybe she could.

I slid back into the shadows of the closet and watched as Jasmine, who was still sprawled across her own bed, slid to the edge, leaned over it and peeked under mine.

“Vip! What are you doing?” she snarled. “Get out from under there right now!”

The monster—Vip, apparently—slid free from the bed, one hand held to his forehead, which was looking a bit red, probably from hitting his head on the bed frame, the other held to what looked to be a bleeding scratch on his arm.


Shadow slid from beneath the bed as well and leapt across the room, sliding into the closet to join me.

Did you actually manage to scratch him?

He was Shadow-Prey,she said smugly.

“Hey, ladies.” Vip gave a smile that he probably thought was charming. “I’m just your friendly, neighborhood, monster under the bed.”

“You idiot!” Jasmine exclaimed. “Go find a human’s bed to crawl under. The beds of other monsters are off-limits.”

“Yeah, but I heard this onebelongsto a human.”

“What are you talking about?” Mikaela snapped.

“Oh, come on. Surely you’ve heard the rumors.”

“What rumors?” Jasmine asked.

“About your roommate. No one has a clue what she is. She never uses any magic or powers that any of us can seeandeven though she never seems to be in class, the professors never mark her absent. Don’t you think it’s strange?”

“Maybe that’s her power,” Mikaela said.

“Yeah,” Jasmine said. “Maybe she can convince people she’s there when she’s not.”

“Or maybe she can turn invisible,” Mikaela said.

“Ormaybeshe’s human,” Vip said.

“Ormaybeyou’re just not that observant,” Jasmine snapped. “Now get out and don’t go crawling under my—or my roommate’s—bed again.”

He sighed. “Fine. But it seems a waste of a perfectly good monster-hangout spot.” He headed for the door, then paused right outside the closet. He glanced into the shadowed interior, looking straight through me, then glanced back at my roommate. “What about the—”

“Out!” Jasmine exclaimed. “And don’t be sneaking into our room ever again. Next time, I’ll report you to the Headmistress.”

With another huge sigh, he left.

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