Page 11 of Monster's Reward

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It was so hot beneath the bed, I thought perhaps Mikaela had set it on fire, after all.

Shadow was stretched out along my back, a new position for her, and my front was nestled against a soft, furry pillow.

It took me another beat to realize arms were banded around me in a tight, possessive hug.

Shadow chose that moment to peel away from my back and slink away.

My eyes flew open and I tilted my head up to look into the eyes of the beast who held me.

“There you are,” he rumbled, his blue eyes flaring bright. “I’ve searched this entire castle for you over and over again, mate. Why have you been hiding from me?”

“Why have you been hunting me?” I countered.

“Mate,” he rumbled. “I hunt for mate. You are mine.”

I wanted to protest, but seriously, how could I? This man-beast was sending me up in flames and it wasn’t because of the temperature beneath the bed.

No. It was because he was seriously hot—inbothforms.

I’d only ever seen him up close in his beast form and I found the sight incredibly sexy every time—the intense look on his furry face, the way his eyes blazed in determination, the bunch in the muscles of his thighs as he loped down the corridors, scenting and hunting me.

As for his human form, I’d only rarely caught a glimpse of it, since he almost always beasted out the second I saw him.

As a result, I really had no idea what he looked like, other than that his hair was the same color as his beast’s—a deep, unrelenting black—and he retained his adorable, pointed, furry ears in his human form.

Given the shadows beneath the bed, I still couldn’t see his human form clearly, but I could definitely feel it.

And what I felt was all hard muscle.

He wasn’t as furry in this form, but also wasn’t hairless, hence the soft pillow I’d woken against, a pillow that turned out to be his rather furry, sexy chest.

His eyes were as bright in human form as they were in beast form—an incredible, blazing shade of blue that matched the streaks in my hair that had begun to appear the day I saw him for the first time. One tiny strand of hair that had multiplied through the years as if it had a life of its own.

Shadow liked to play with those streaks, waking me each morning by batting at them, claws scraping at my scalp, purrs rumbling in her throat.

The moment my eyes would open, she would send an image of Jahrdran.

Like I said, she was as fascinated with him as I was, and was always pestering me to go find him.

Now he’d found me.

Or, more likely, my monster had dragged him to me.

I glanced around.

I was still under my bed, though there was less room with a beast at my side. “How’d you get down here anyway?”

He shrugged. “Followed the Shadow Cat.”

I gasped. “Shadow? You saw her?”

“I see her all the time, but she always disappears when I go to follow. This time, when she disappeared, somehow she took me with her.”


No one ever saw Shadow unless she wanted them to because it meant leaving the shadows, when like me, she was much more comfortable staying inside them.

She was also quite protective of me and my secret.

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