Page 22 of Playboy

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“Gabby? You still there?” Her mom asked, pulling Gabby from her thoughts.

“Sorry. Maybe you’re right, mom. I’ll talk to him and see if he wants to go to dinner or something one night.”

“That’s my girl!” Gabby’s mom cheered, sounding very enthusiastic. Gabby, on the other hand, felt like she was going to be sick.

Gabby rolled her eyes at her mom’s cheerleader persona, knowing that she couldn’t see her.

“Alright, well, let me get off of here so I can head inside.”

“Okay, honey. Good luck!”

“Thanks. I love you, mom. And please tell dad that I love him, too, and that I’ll give him a call tomorrow.”

“I will. Love you, too.”


“Bye, sweetie.”

Gabby disconnected the call and reached for her purse. Pulling her wallet out, she grabbed her debit card and license and slid them into her back pocket. After stowing her purse under the back seat, she got out and locked it.


Playboy was running late as he made a right turn onto the side road that led toward the beach. He’d been talking to his mom and aunt earlier and had lost track of time. Not that he minded because family was important to him. He would never cut short his phone time with his mom, knowing that he could get called out on a mission at any moment.

His mom, Christina, and his aunt, Lisa, were the only family that Playboy had. Well, the only family he spoke to. Playboy had never met his dad’s side of the family, and from the stories his parents had told him, he was fine without them in his life.

His dad had passed away eleven years ago, which left both Playboy and his mom heartbroken. Playboy had been going through BUD/S at the time and had even considered dropping out to go home and take care of his mom. He owed his career tohis mom because she had been adamant about convincing him to stay in and pursue his dream of becoming a SEAL. After all, that was what his dad would’ve wanted. He dedicated earning his Trident Pin to his dad.

Thankfully, his Aunt Lisa lived nearby and was able to help his mom through the difficult time.

As Bayside came into view, Playboy cursed under his breath, seeing how crowded the parking lot was. He shouldn’t be surprised, considering it was a Saturday night, and with the competition in town, it brought in an extra crowd of both military and law enforcement.

He pulled into the parking lot and didn’t even try to search for an empty spot. Instead, he drove his Dodge Charger around back to where the staff parked, knowing there were always a few spaces available.

He saw an empty spot near the end and pulled in. Shutting off the engine, he hopped out and locked the car. As he walked around the building, he scanned the parking lot. It was a habit, considering what he did for a living. He was always on alert. It didn’t matter where he was. However, tonight, he might have had another reason to scope out the parking lot. He was checking to see if he spotted Gabby’s grey Ford Bronco.

He shook his head and chuckled. He still couldn’t believe that he picked Gabby up and kissed her cheek. She had felt perfect in his arms and pressed against him. He just hoped that his forwardness hadn’t scared her off.

He smiled and again shook his head in disbelief. He faced some of the world’s most dangerous criminals, and he never batted an eye. But the moment he was around the tiny blonde-haired dynamo, his insides got all twisted up.

As he rounded the corner of the building, heading toward the side door, his step faltered when he spotted Gabby walking from the parking lot across the street.

“Gabby!” Playboy called out, breaking the silence hanging in the air.

Her head whipped around, causing her long platinum-blonde hair to swing over her shoulder. As soon as she saw him, she smiled and stopped, letting him catch up with her.

As he approached her, he almost stumbled as he took in her casual yet sexy appearance. She filled out the white jeans she wore perfectly, while the fitted long-sleeved top that fell off her right shoulder matched her cobalt blue eyes. She looked hot, and he knew for a fact that she would turn a lot of heads when she walked inside.Shit.He was already jealous, and she wasn’t even officially his.

“So, you decided to come out tonight after all?” He questioned, a smile playing on his lips.

“Yeah. After celebrating with the guys, I didn’t think I would want to. But after I got home and took a shower, I still wasn’t tired. And I was hungry. So, I decided to come and get some dinner. Plus, if Cruz is here, I thought I could rub a little salt in his wounds.” The wicked grin on her lips made him chuckle.

“He certainly was making every excuse he could as to why he lost,” Playboy told her.

She rolled her eyes. “That’s what I heard. He didn’t even show up to the awards ceremony.”

Playboy laughed. “I know. He told people that he got a call from his commander.”

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