Page 12 of Playboy

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Gabby chuckled. “Like someone punched me.”

Most of the guys laughed. However, James gave her a deadpanned look.

“What?” she asked him.

He quirked his eyebrow. “Are you going to address the elephant in the room?” he asked, his eyes moving to her hip.

She took a deep breath. She wasn’t lying to Capitan Graham when she told him that she would have a story to tell the guys.

“Okay, fine. But you have to promise not to laugh.”

They all nodded solemnly, though everyone was already smirking.

“So, there I was at the grocery store, just minding my own business, picking out avocados because, you know, I love to make guacamole. Anyway, I noticed this little old lady struggling with a watermelon. She was like ninety and barely holding it, so I went over to help her. But it turned out she wasn’t just any old lady. She was a professional wrestler in disguise.”

James blinked as his eyebrows shot upward. “What the fuck, Gabby?”

“Stay with me,” Gabby continued, trying not to laugh. “So, it turned out this granny was undercover, waiting for her arch-nemesis. Next thing I know, a guy built like a refrigerator shows up at the end of the frozen food aisle. Granny starts screaming at him and then heaves the watermelon at him. Then they run toward each other and start throwing down! Ganny then picks the guy up and body-slams him into the bin of green peppers and cucumbers.”

Leo choked on his drink, trying to stifle his laugh. “Jesus Christ, Gabby.”

“Oh, it gets better,” she tells Leo. “So there I am, trapped in the chaos of this geriatric wrestling match. I try to sneak away, but the refrigerator guy spots me and throws a frozen turkey at my head! I duck, but I lose my balance and slip on a rogue zucchini. Next thing I know, I’m crashing into a tower of soup cans, full body impact. Right hip first.BOOM!That’s how I got this bruise.”

Tristan was doubled over, shaking with laughter. James tried to maintain some composure, but even he was snickering. “So, you’re saying that a zucchini took you out.”

Gabby nodded, trying to keep a serious expression on her face. “I’m telling you, those things aredeadly. Never underestimate a well-placed zucchini.”

By now, the entire team was in hysterics, with tears in their eyes. Blake wiped his eyes, barely able to speak. “You…you’re gonna stick with that story?”

“Oh, one hundred percent. It’s a lot more exciting than saying, ‘I got into a fight with some dude on a yacht and fell wrong and busted my hip,’ don’t ya think?”

Suddenly, the laughter ceased, and eight sets of eyes were aimed at Gabby. She felt herself shrink under their stare.

“What the hell do you mean you got a busted hip fighting a big dude on a yacht?” Tristan growled.

Gabby swallowed hard. Shit was about to hit the fan.

“Exactly what I said,” she told him, trying to avoid his glare.

“Gabby, are you saying that you were injured and never told us?” That question came from Adrian.

“Umm…like I told the Captain, I thought it was just a little stinger.”

“Wait a minute. The Captain knows about this, but not us?” James asked, looking both upset and hurt.

“Look. Yes, it hurt after the fight. And no, I didn’t say anything to you guys. And I’m sorry. I seriously didn’t think it was that bad until I woke up from my nap and could barely walk. Then, when I saw the damage, I knew it was more than just a little stinger.”

“You need to get that looked at,” Rowan stated, leaning back with his arms crossed.

“No need. When I told Graham, he personally drove me to the hospital and waited.”

“Holy shit!” Tristan exclaimed. “And you still didn’t think to let us know? Gabby, you can’t hide stuff like this from us. What if it was worse?”

She felt a pang of guilt. “I know, I know. I just didn’t want to worry you guys. Plus, how many times have we all walked away with bruises somewhere on our bodies and never said anything?”

Ignoring her question, Tristan asked, “So, what did the doctor say?”

“Just a bad contusion. I’m on desk duty for two weeks,” she said with a pout.

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