Page 102 of Playboy

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With a cruel glint in his eyes, Omar shifted his stance. Just as Gabby went for another strike, he lashed out with his foot, kicking hard at her injured knee. Gabby gasped, her leg buckling beneath her as she crumpled to the ground. Her head slammed into the side of a parked car, the dull thud echoing in the space.

She was dazed, struggling to stay conscious, and Omar seized the opportunity. He quickly zip-tied her wrists and ankles together, her body limp from the impact. As he tightened the bindings, he heard a commotion behind him.

He turned, and his stomach sank.

Tyson was grappling with Selena, but she was putting up a hell of a fight. She twisted and kicked, her movements frantic but determined. Tyson tried to subdue her, but she slipped out of his grasp, her eyes wide with fury. Then, in the midst of the struggle, her gaze locked onto Omar.

The shock in her eyes froze him in place.

“Omar?” she whispered, the disbelief and pain in her voice cutting through the chaos.

That single moment of recognition was all it took for Tyson to regain control. He raised his gun and, without warning, slammed the butt of it into Selena’s head. She crumpled to the ground, unconscious, her body motionless.

Rage exploded in Omar’s chest.

“What the fuck are you doing?” he shouted, storming toward Tyson, his fists trembling with fury. “I told you not to hurt her!”

Tyson looked taken back. He raised his hands in defense. “She was fighting me, man! What the hell was I supposed to do? She would’ve—”

Omar wasn’t listening. His eyes were locked on Selena and the blood trickling down the side of her face. The sight of it sent his anger spiraling out of control. He didn’t care what Tyson had to say, all he saw was red.

Without hesitation, Omar pulled out his gun, his mind blank with rage. He aimed it at Tyson, who barely had time to react before the shot rang out. A single bullet ripped through Tyson’s skull, his body collapsing to the ground in an instant, lifeless.

Omar stood there, his chest heaving. For a moment, the world seemed to go still. But then sirens filled the air. They were faint, but growing louder. Someone must have heard the commotion and called the cops.

Panic flared in Omar’s chest, but he shoved it down. He had to move, had to finish the job. Gabby lay bound at his feet, groaning as she slowly came to, but there was no time to deal with Selena. He couldn’t stay.

With a snarl, Omar grabbed Gabby by the arms, hoisting her up as if she weighed nothing, and threw her into the backseat of his car. She struggled weakly, still disoriented from the hit to her head, but the zip ties kept her from fighting back. But just to be safe, he pulled another syringe from his jacket and stuck her in the arm. Within seconds, she fell victim to the cocktail as it spread throughout her body. He slammed the door shut, his breath ragged as the sirens drew closer.

His mind screamed at him to go back for Selena, to get her out of there, but there wasn’t enough time. He cursed under his breath, furious that he had to leave her lying there, unconscious and bleeding. But he had no choice.

As Omar sped out of the garage, his tires screeching against the concrete, his hands tightened around the steering wheel. His heart pounded in his chest as he glanced at Gabby in the rearview mirror, slumped against the seat, barely conscious. He had her—but at what cost?

Leaving Selena behind was a gut-wrenching decision, but there was no turning back now. She would hate him for this. She would never forgive him. But in that moment, Omar’s mind was focused on one thing. He needed to finish what he’d started, even if it tore him apart.


Playboy had just finished his final lap in the pool and was pulling himself out of the water, when Bear walked in and called out to him.

“Hey, Derek wants to see us asap,”

Playboy nodded. “Alright, let me run into the locker room and throw on some dry clothes.”

About five minutes later, Playboy stood against the wall in Derek’s office as his brain absorbed the information that Derek was relaying to the team.

“So, you’re saying that Ramon Escalona was behind that drug shipment we worked? The one that almost killed Gabby?” Playboy asked.

Derek nodded.

Everyone knew who Ramon Escalona was. He was the head of the Escalona Cartel out of Venezuela. And he was known to be one mean son of a bitch.

“What I don’t understand is why have the FBI and DEA kept this information a secret? It’s like they didn’t want the information to get out there,” Duke stated.

“Your guess is as good as mine, Duke,” Derek replied. “However, I think that falls onto the DEA.”

Derek went back to the document he had in front of him. His eyes hardened as he flipped to the next page.

“According to the report, Ramon lost more than one hundred million dollars worth of drugs. He also lost one of his brothers.”

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