Page 34 of Identity Risk

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“Don’t even go there,”she thought to herself.That right there was a big part of her problem—sex! She had been using sex as a distraction from the real issues that were plaguing her. She was surprised her vagina was still operational after all of the amazing sex she and Mac had been having. Not that she was complaining, but the emotional connection in a relationship was just as important as the physical side.

Even though a round of bedroom Olympics sounded tempting and was what she wanted, it wasn’t what she needed. Well, at least for tonight. Tonight, she would focus on moving their relationship forward.

Jessie:I know you said that you were going to stay at the hotel tonight. But do you think you could come back to the penthouse instead?

She held her breath, waiting for his reply. Thankfully, she didn’t have to wait long, as his response came back within seconds.

Mac:On my way. I’ll meet you at your place.

She smiled as she placed her phone back in her purse.

Fifteen minutes later, they arrived at her building, and Jessie spotted Mac standing near the entrance, just as he had promised.

The driver stepped out and opened the door for her, but before she could move, Mac was there, holding out his hand. Jessie took it, feeling the warmth and strength in his grip as he helped her out of the car.

He took the shopping bags from Quincy, thanking him before leading Jessie inside and to the elevator.

The silence between them was thick, and it felt like a thousand unsaid words hovered in the air. Jessie was trying to gather her thoughts and find a way to express everything swirling inside her, but the words wouldn’t come. Finally, as the elevator doors slid shut, she broke the silence.

“Thank you for coming over,” she said softly, her voice a little shaky.

He looked down at her, his eyes warm and full of understanding. “You don’t have to thank me, Jessie. You know that if I can, I’ll always be there for you.”

His words touched her more deeply than she expected, and for a moment, she felt tears threaten to spill over. But she held them back. There was so much she wanted to say to him, but the problem was that she didn’t know where to start.

As if sensing her turmoil, Mac gave her a gentle smile. “Have you had dinner?” he asked.

“No,” she replied with a shake of her head.

“Alright, why don’t you go take a nice, relaxing bath or shower? And I’ll make us something to eat?”

Jessie blinked, surprised by the offer. “You’re going to cook? You know I don’t keep MREs on hand,” she teased, trying to lighten the mood a little.

Mac chuckled a low, warm sound that eased some of the tension inside her. “There’s a lot about me that’s changed since you’ve been gone. One of them is that I’ve learned my way around a kitchen.”

She smiled at that, a small, genuine smile. “Okay, I’ll take you up on that.”

Mac handed her the shopping bags, and she headed to her bedroom and opted for a shower instead of a bath, letting the hot water wash away the day’s tension. After the shower, she dressed in the tan and black silk pajama sets she got from Cherise’s boutique.

When she emerged from the bedroom, the delicious aroma of lemon and spices filled the air. Jessie followed the scent to the kitchen and found Mac at the stove, his back to her as he expertly moved around the kitchen. She took a seat at the island, watching him in a way that was both comforting and strangely intimate. He glanced over his shoulder at her and flashed that sexy smile that always made her heart skip a beat.

He covered the pan on the stove and walked to the wine fridge, pulling out a bottle of white wine. “Care for a glass?” he asked.

She nodded, and he poured them each a glass. He handed one to her. She took a sip, the cool liquid instantly soothing her nerves.

“Feeling a little more relaxed?” he asked.

“A bit,” she admitted. She still felt nervous, though not as much as before.

Mac leaned against the counter, looking at her with that familiar intensity that always made her feel like she was the only woman in the world. “Good. I’m glad.”

They fell into an easy conversation about cooking, and Jessie found herself genuinely enjoying it. Listening to Mac talk about his newfound love for cooking made her realize how much had changed in the time they’d been apart.

When dinner was ready, he plated their meals and asked where she wanted to eat. She suggested the TV room so they could relax and be more comfortable.

He set the plates on the coffee table while she opened the balcony doors to let in the cool evening air. They sat side by side on the sofa, and as Jessie took her first bite, she was amazed.

“Mac, this is incredible,” she said, looking at him in surprise. “It’s the best chicken piccata I’ve ever had.”

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