Page 27 of Identity Risk

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It took a moment for the words to sink in. But then Lacie’s jaw dropped, and she nearly knocked over her latte. “Wait, hold on—yourMac?Mac Mac? As in hot former Navy SEAL Mac? The same Mac that we saw pictures of with other women?! The same Mac who practically dropped off the face of the earth?! That Mac?!”

“Well, technically, I’m the one who dropped off the face of the earth, but yes, that Mac.” Jessie’s voice was teasing, but the blush creeping onto her cheeks gave away how big a deal it all was.

Lacie flailed her arms like she was trying to process the information physically. Well, either that or she was doing a great impression of a floundering fish. “But... how... why... wait! So he’s the one you were with Friday night?!”

“Yes, Lacie!” Jessie laughed. “I spent Friday night withMac.”

Lacie’s eyes widened. “Shut up! No way! You spent the whole night with him, and you’re just now telling me this?”

Lacie clapped her hands to her cheeks, staring at Jessie in awe. “Girl, you havegotto tell me everything right now before I implode from the suspense. How did this even happen?”

Jessie leaned forward, lowering her voice as if she were about to spill the juiciest gossip. “You won’t believe half of it, but I swear it’s all true.”

She then proceeded to recount the whirlwind events of Friday night. By the time she finished, Lacie was still sitting there, her jaw slack and eyes wide, absorbing every word like it was too good to be real.

Lacie stared at her friend, still stuck somewhere between disbelief and excitement. She finally let out a giddy laugh. “Thisis so unreal. But it’s also kinda hot how he was jealous and then planned all of that just to get you back.”

Jessie smiled softly, nodding. “I know. And if I’m being honest. He never lost me to begin with.”

“So, then the tree over there was all him?”


“Awe, he is so sweet. So, what is your guys’ next step?”

Jessie furrowed her eyebrows. “What do you mean?”

“Well, you both own companies—one is in Florida, and one is here in New York.”

Jessie sighed. “I know, and it’s the biggest obstacle sitting between us.”

“Well, can’t you both technically do your jobs wherever you are? I mean, I don’t really know what Mac’s job entails, but as for you, you were still making major decisions while you were gone, and the firm operated just fine.”

Jessie grinned. “You sound like Mac. He told me that wherever I was, that was where he belonged. But that’s not fair to him. Why should he be the one to have to pick up and leave his home and friends.”

Lacie gave Jessie an understanding smile. “Can I give you my opinion without you getting upset?”

“Of course.”

“You said he has friends in Florida, right?”

Jessie nodded. “Yeah, Mac is very close with all his employees. He even served with a few of them. They’re like a little quirky family.”

“Okay. Well, besides me. Who do you really have here in New York that you would consider a close friend?”

Jessie bit her lip as she thought about it, knowing the direction that Lacie was going with this. The answer Jessie was coming up with actually made her feel sad. And she knew Lacie was right. Besides her best friend, Jessie didn’t have closefriends. She had acquaintances, but they mostly came through business and social channels. She looked back at Lacie.

“You’re my only close friend, Lace.”

“Now, don’t take this as I’m trying to get rid of you because that is far from the truth. But maybe moving to Florida wouldn’t be such a bad idea. You can keep your place here for when you visit or if you need to come for business.”

Jessie thought about it. It was a pretty big decision to make—life-changing, actually. But in the end, she wanted her happily ever after with Mac.

“Thank you, Lacie. When Mac gets back, I’ll talk to him about it.” It was something she had already planned on talking to him about, but Lacie didn’t need to know that.

Lacie looked at her watch and frowned. “I need to get going. I have a conference call I need to be on. Do you have any plans tonight?”

“No. Mac won’t be back until Wednesday.”

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