Page 23 of Identity Risk

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Jessie let out a soft sigh, closing her e-reader. She stared out at the rain-soaked city below.

Ever since she’d gotten home a few hours ago, her mind had been consumed by the memory of their night together.Every detail of him—his touch, his voice, the way he’d looked at her like she was the only woman in the world—played over and over in her head.

Earlier, once she felt a little more settled, she took some time to sit down and really think through the questions that had kept her awake at night. She knew Mac would give her the time that she asked for. But she also knew that he wasn’t the most patient man and that if she took too long before confiding in him, he would find ways to force it out of her.

But it wouldn’t come to that because it had only taken her a few minutes before she realized that she was foolish for letting her fears get the best of her in regard to her safety.

She knew without a doubt that Mac would never allow what happened a year and a half ago to happen again.

As for their professional lives, that was a subject she and Mac would have to discuss when he returned from his business trip.

She leaned her head back and closed her eyes. She missed him already. She missed his laugh, his teasing, and the way his strong arms wrapped around her like nothing in the world could ever hurt her.

She could survive three days without him—at least, she hoped she could—but it wasn’t going to be easy. Especially with the way her body still hummed with the memory of his touch.

Jessie smiled to herself, shaking her head. She was being ridiculous. But then again, when it came to Mac, it was hard not to feel this way.

Her phone started to ring, and she thought it was Lacie calling to get the scoop on her date. But to her surprise, it was Andy, the doorman from downstairs.

“Hello?” she answered, curious as to why he was calling.

“Hello, Ms. Marchand. I have a flower delivery down here for you.”


“Yes, ma’am. A very large but beautiful arrangement. Would you like me to have the concierges bring it up to you?”

“That will work. Thank you, Andy.”

“You’re welcome, Ms. Marchand. I’ll send them up now.”

She disconnected the call and set the phone on the table.

She stood up and walked over to the elevator. She wondered who had sent her flowers. Everyone who knew her knew that she couldn’t keep flowers alive. Houseplants, yes. But flowers? No.

Moments later, the elevator dinged, and when the doors opened, Jessie’s breath caught in her throat.

As soon as she saw the rare blue roses scattered amongst the white lilies, she knew Mac had sent them. Blue roses were their thing.

She told the concierge to set them in the kitchen on the island.

Once the concierge left, Jessie walked over and pulled out the card.


Thank you for a beautiful night together. I’m so sorry I had to leave. I promise I’ll make it up to you. Remember to behave yourself, and I’ll see you in a few days.


Her heart skipped a beat, and she couldn’t help the smile that tugged at her lips. Despite everything, he still made her feel like a giddy teenager.

The flowers were a sweet gesture, but now they only made her miss him more. She looked at the card and reread it. This time, she focused on the words “remember to behave yourself.” It was then she recalled his parting words to her earlier before he left—his possessive, teasing claim that nobody was allowed to touch her intimate parts but him,not even herself. His playful dominance was something that drove her crazy in the best way.

With a mischievous grin, an idea formed in her mind. She was going to make sure he remembered exactly what he was missing. She pulled one of the blue roses from the arrangement and walked into the bathroom. She started filling her large jacuzzi tub, adding bubbles until they overflowed. She lit a bunch of white candles and arranged them around the tub, giving the room a romantic glow.

She ran back out to the living room, grabbed her phone off the table, and quickly ran back to the bathroom.

She slipped her clothes off, and then before she got into the tub, she texted Mac.

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