Page 20 of Identity Risk

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What if the threats came back? She had barely escaped the last time, forced into hiding to protect herself from a vengeful client who hadn’t stopped until she disappeared. Would someone else come after her because of her status at the firm? And if they did, would the FBI make her leave again, tear her away from her life and from Mac just when she’d found her way back to him?

Her heart ached at the thought. She turned to look at him, his face peaceful in sleep, and her chest tightened. God, she loved him. She loved him more than she could ever put into words. The other issue they were facing was how they would navigate their professional lives. Her company was in New York, and his was in Florida—both of them tied to their businesses, both owners with lives and responsibilities that couldn’t just be abandoned.

Jessie felt the weight of it all pressing down on her. Could their love survive the distance, the chaos, the constant fear thatsomething could tear them apart again? The thought of losing Mac was unbearable, a pain she didn’t even want to imagine. Losing him would break her heart all over again. But how could they make it work when everything seemed determined to pull them in opposite directions?

Behind her, she felt a subtle shift in Mac’s breathing and knew he was awake. But she chose to ignore him as the thoughts in her mind started to take over.

She tried to slip out of the bed quietly, but Mac’s hand tightened around her waist, stopping her.

“Where are you going?” he murmured, his voice rough with sleep.

She froze, closing her eyes for a moment before turning to look at him. His blue eyes were wide open, searching her face. She could tell that he saw right through her. He always could.

“Shower,” she replied, trying to sound casual and not give away that she was freaking out. “I need to get up. I have an appointment in a couple of hours.”

He frowned, clearly not buying her lie. “Bullshit, Jess. You’re running. Why?”

She tried to give him an icy glare. She tried to stand her ground, but she felt herself faltering. “I’m not bullshitting you. I do have an appointment.” She didn’t tell him it was just an appointment for a pedicure. “Plus, don’t you remember the rules of this date?”

His eyebrows shot up.

“What rules?”

“The date rules. ‘One and Done.’” she told him. “The rules state no contact afterward.”

He stared at her as if she had grown two heads. Then he burst out laughing. Damn, even his laugh was sexy as hell.

She glared at him and pulled the sheet off the bed to cover herself. But that wasn’t the best idea because it lefthim uncovered. His morning wood was on display, standing at attention like a good little soldier. Well, his more like a big soldier.

He smirked at her blatant stare, then pulled the blanket over his lower half, blocking her view. He slipped out of bed with the blanket still wrapped around him. Walking around the bed, he stopped in front of her. His strong, towering stance was a little intimidating.

“Let’s get something straight. Rules are made to be broken. In fact, I’ve already broken several when it comes toOne and Done.Plus,we are anything but done. We are just getting started. Consider usUnlimited and Available.” He paused for a few seconds before continuing. Though his voice was a little softer. “Look, Jess. I know last night came as a complete shock for you, and things moved rather quickly. But I don’t regret one second of it, and I don’t believe that you do either. Now, be honest with me. What’s bothering you?”

She had called it—nothing got past him. She swallowed hard and licked her dry lips as she tried to figure out how to explain to him what she was feeling.

“You’re right. And I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you think that last night meant nothing to me.” She placed her hands on his bare chest. “Last night meant the world to me. It was beautiful, and I promise that I have no regrets. But as you said, things moved really fast last night, and waking up this morning left me with some questions that I need to find answers to.”

He cupped her cheek. “Can I help answer any of these questions of yours?”

She sighed. “Eventually. But right now, I just need a little bit of time to think.”

He leaned forward and kissed her forehead before pulling her into a hug.

“Take all the time you need, sunshine. But know that I’m not going anywhere. You and I are in this together.”

She smiled, wrapping her arms around his waist. “I think we make a good team, too. I just don’t want to lose you again.”

With those spoken words, she felt him relax.

“You won’t. I can promise you that. If I have to handcuff you to me, I will.”

She laughed, feeling a little bit lighter with being honest with him. Though she knew there was a lot they needed to talk about.

His phone started ringing. He sighed.

“That’s my office. Let me answer it real quick,” he told her, kissing her forehead before releasing her.

He walked to the pile of clothes on the floor and pulled his phone from one of the pockets.

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