Page 9 of Road's Betrayal

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“You break into my home, and you’ve attacked me twice.”

“Technically, I’ve attacked you once. All I’ve done is … handle you.”

“Handle me?”

“Yeah, I kind of feel you needed handling.”

She felt a quick, sudden desperate urge to either head-butt him, or throw her weight so he had no choice but to back off. Instead, she laid perfectly still on the floor and glared at him.

“Look, it has been a long and exhausting day. I don’t know what you think is funny, but I promise you, none of this is funny. I want you to get off me and leave as soon as possible.”

“I plan to leave you alone. Trust me, I do.”

“I don’t trust you.”

“That is your fault, not mine.”

She growled. “My fault? You’ve come into my home and attacked me and you’re saying this is my fault?”

She wanted to slap him multiple times over. So badly, she even felt her palm tingle at the thought. Of course, she could do neither, because he had her arms trapped on either side of her head. In all her life, she’d never been put in this precarious position. This was infuriating. Admittedly, this was partly her fault seeing as she did attack him. The first time was his fault.

“We’re getting off the point right now.”

“There was a point to be made?” she asked, nearly falling over herself laughing. There wasn’t going to be any falling over, seeing as she was on the ground. Damn it, a day of being on her feet and surrounded by chemicals was starting to affect her mind. She felt a little crazy.

“Sergey Golubev.”

Dinah stared right back at him.

“Ah, you see, you know exactly who I am talking about. You can try to control your face all you want to, but you see, Dinah, you do fail. You know that name, and sure, you might have seen or read about him online or in the news, but this is different. You’re not just recognizing the name, no, this is … rage. You hate that name.”

She pressed her lips together.

“Why don’t you tell me why that is?” he asked.

“Fuck off.”

He tutted. “I can stay in this position all night, and trust me, I’ve got no problem taking a piss where I am.”

“Ew, gross, get off me.”

“Tell me what I want to know.”

“Get off.”


“Stop it.”

She tried to struggle, but he wouldn’t let her go. Dinah didn’t know if it was the long day, the Evil Fallen Bratva, the fact she had heard Sergey Golubev’s name one time too many, or the simple fact that Road had her trapped. Either way, there was only so much she could take.

“Because he killed my mother!” she screamed the words and then felt tears fill her eyes.

Road frowned and she stared up at him. “Is that it? Is that what you want to hear? Yes, I am aware of who Sergey Golubev is, but not for the reasons you think. My mother was…” She stopped to take a breath, “an amazing hairdresser. She took a woman’s hair, be it damaged or not, and she worked magic. She took hair that was dull and lifeless and brought it back to life without any effort. Sergey Golubev brought one of his many mistresses into where my mother worked. I don’t know the full details of what happened, but … her hair was damaged and it was his fault. Anyway, my mother worked on her, and in doing so, she caught his eye.”

She didn’t like having to tell this tale that was a horrible reminder for her mother.

“But my mother … she was still in love with my father, and no man would ever compare to him. She refused Sergey Golubev, and do you know what he did to her?” Dinah asked.

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