Page 6 of Road's Betrayal

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“See you around,” he said.


“What the fuck were you thinking?” Brute asked, slamming his hands down on his desk.

“That Sergey is not known for sitting on his ass and waiting for the next time to attack. He’s been quiet for a few months, but we both know he wants to retaliate.” Road had been woken up this morning to Brute throwing a bucket of cold water on him. It hadn’t been the first time this had happened to him, and he doubted it would be the last.

This was Brute’s way of gaining his attention. It fucking sucked, but it worked. He was wide awake, and from the quick glance on the clock, he’d only been asleep for a couple of hours.

“So you think you would take the fight to him, right now?”

“The only time to take the fight to himisnow!” Road was done waiting on his ass for the other person to strike, he neededaction and he needed it right this second. Sergey may be busy dealing with the shit they caused six months ago, but it had been six months. He wanted to end this.

Brute glared across the table at him. “And you think we’re in a position to deal with the ramifications if we fail?”

“We won’t fail.”

“Why do you think that? Because we’ve got the grace of God, and I don’t know, luck on our side.”

Road gritted his teeth together. They had no such thing and he knew that. None of them had luck on their side. Taking out Sergey would be easy, no doubt about it. It was everything after the fact that they would fall on.

“Now, don’t give me the bullshit that I’ve gone soft or any of that shit because of Faith. Trust me, I’m weighing every option. Sergey will pay. We’ve been hitting many of his prominent businesses,” Brute said.

For the last six months, they’d been hitting Sergey’s income stream, affecting his relationships with fellow powerful criminal men. The death of Paul Butterworth was just the start. They hadn’t killed anyone else yet, but they had put a dent in some fortunes.

Road had to admit, his favorite was letting a shipment of girls free. There had been media coverage, so there was no way to allow for men to go and round them back up. He’d helped with this little detail.

While Road had been acquiring information for Sergey many years ago, before he’d been punished with a scarred face, he’d also been building contacts. Sergey made a lot of enemies. Road knew those enemies, and now that they were in the right place, he was able to make the calls to help with their cause, without being linked to it. That was another little detail they kept quiet.

If Sergey’s powerful allies realized who was behind all thebad luck that had befallen him, then the finger to point would be at them. As it was, no one knew what they were doing, and to the outside world, Sergey was throwing accusations without fire. He loved it, because it happened to be a game Sergey was most notorious for playing.

“Do you want to tell me what it was about this woman, Road? You don’t act like this, not for anything, and yet you were willing to go into an innocent woman’s house—”

“She’s not innocent,” he said, interrupting him.

Brute shook his head. “Not every woman you meet is going to cause you this kind of grief or pain. They’re not all enemies.”

“You’ve found something rare in Faith, I grant you that, Brute. But remember, I’ve seen what the bitches are like up close and personal. I know they are only after what they can get—more money, more power—and I wasn’t going to stand around and allow anything to happen to this club.”

Road got to his feet. He knew what he’d seen in Dinah Evan’s eyes. The name Sergey Golubev was a name she knew, but he had a feeling it was not for the reason he originally thought.

“Damn it, Road. Don’t go making waves. Not right now. I’m working on something.”

“You’re working on bringing a baby into this world. We know it won’t be long before Faith gives birth. We all know it, but … this is important. You can’t allow him to build his army back up. You just can’t.”

“I’m not going to.”

“Sergey Golubev will strike and he is going to kill us all if we lose this momentum. We need to attack.”

“And we will, but I’m not going to do it at the risk of losing men. Tank is close to being recovered.”

Road shook his head. “We shouldn’t be waiting on this. Iknow it, you know it, and everyone else knows it.”

“Look, Road—”

“Are we done?” he asked, interrupting for a second time, and seeing the anger flash in Brute’s eye. “Look, you know my thoughts and how I feel about this, and they’re not going to change. I know what we need to do, but then I’ve worked closely with Golubev, I know his strategy. If we don’t keep hitting, he’s going to rise up and come after us, and I don’t want that to happen. He needs to be crushed.”

“He will be.”

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